通过带有 table 个参数的注释选择 CDI bean

Selecting CDI bean by annotation with table of arguments

如何根据注解选择CDI java bean,然后注解提出table个参数?



public class Problem {

    private Object data;
    private ProblemType type;

    public Object getData() { return data; }
    public void setData(Object data) { this.data = data; }
    public ProblemType getType() { return type; }
    public void setType(ProblemType type) { this.type = type;}


public enum ProblemType {
    A, B, C;


public interface Solution {
    public void resolve(Problem problem);


@SolutionQualifier(problemTypes = { ProblemType.A, ProblemType.C })
public class FirstSolution implements Solution {

    public void resolve(Problem problem) {
        // ...


@SolutionQualifier(problemTypes = { ProblemType.B })
public class SecondSolution implements Solution {

    public void resolve(Problem problem) {
        // ...

应根据注释选择解决方案 @SolutionQualifier:

public @interface SolutionQualifier {

    ProblemType[] problemTypes();

    public static class SolutionQualifierLiteral extends AnnotationLiteral<SolutionQualifier> implements SolutionQualifier {

        private ProblemType[] problemTypes;

        public SolutionQualifierLiteral(ProblemType[] problems) {
            this.problemTypes = problems;

        public ProblemType[] problemTypes() {
            return problemTypes;

来自 SolutionProvider:

public class DefaultSolutionProvider implements SolutionProvider {

    private Instance<Solution> solutions;

    public Instance<Solution> getSolution(Problem problem) {

         * Here is the problem of choosing proper solution.
         * I do not know how method {@link javax.enterprise.inject.Instance#select(Annotation...)}
         * works, and how it compares annotations, so I do no know what argument I should put there
         * to obtain proper solution.

        ProblemType[] problemTypes = { problem.getType() };
        return solutions.select(new SolutionQualifier.SolutionQualifierLiteral(problemTypes));

最后一个有问题: 我不知道 javax.enterprise.inject.Instance#select(Annotation...) 方法在内部如何工作,以及它如何比较注释,所以我不知道我的论点是什么应该放在那里以获得适当的解决方案。如果出现 A table ProblemType[] 类型的问题将包含一个参数,而 FirstSolution.class 被注释为 @SolutionQualifier 有两个参数,因此我不会得到正确的实例。

我没有找到使用 CDI 解决它的方法 API,而是:


public enum SoultionType {
    A(ProblemType.A, ProblemType.C), 


    SoultionType(ProblemType problems...) {
        // ...

    public static SoultionType getByProblemType(ProblemType problem) {
        // ...
