阿里云 - 免费试用 SnapShot/Image

Alibaba Cloud - Taking a SnapShot/Image on Free trial

我正在尝试阿里云、ECS 实例,在做了一些配置后,我想坚持下去,这样如果我想在一段时间后回滚实例,我可以从最后一个检查点开始。我想了解的是如果参加 SnapShot/Image 免费试用会花钱吗?或者换句话说,如果我创建一个图像或快照是否需要收费,如果是,那么我每张快照或图像要花多少钱?


根据创建图像时提到的条款 -

  • When you create an image, a snapshot will be created as well. Because the snapshot service is now a paid service, your images will incur snapshot fees.

  • When creating a custom image with Linux system, please do not load data disk information in the /etc/fstab file. Otherwise, you cannot launch the instance created through the image.

  • You can create a complete image template for the current ECS instance, including all its disks. A new snapshot will be taken for each instance disk and can be viewed in the snapshot list. You must wait for the snapshots for each disk to be created before the image can be used. Please be patient.


根据official documentation,快照服务是免费的。您可以使用下图他们的文档来重申这一点。