
How to set pixel values of a matrix at specific indexes to pixel values of a different matrix with the same indexes?

我想做的是用矩阵运算对图像进行阈值处理,而不是将阈值结果设置为固定值,比如 256 或其他,我试图将结果设置为等于计算来自其他两个相同大小图像的像素值。所以,例如:

firstImage = img1;
secondImage = img2;
thirdImage = img3;
secondImage(firstImage < 100) = thirdImage(at the same indexes as where the thresholding condition holds true) .* 10;

MATLAB 通常会尝试乘以整个 thirdImage .* 10 并保存它,但我想要的只是那些匹配的特定像素以执行操作并覆盖 secondImage 中的相应值。



secondImage(firstImage < 100) = thirdImage(firstImage < 100) * 10;

即就像你索引 secondImage,索引 thirdimage 一样。