特定距离内的 SPATSTAT 重复点
SPATSTAT duplicated points within a a specific distance
我在 R studio 中有一个坐标数据集,我正在尝试删除位于彼此一定距离(即 20 米)内的重复点。
winch2<- data.frame(Lon=c(-1.560367, -1.078330 ), Lat=c(
50.576342, 51.243823)) coordinates(winch2) <- ~Lon + Lat proj4string(winch2) <- latlong winch2 <- spTransform(winch2, bng)
(floor (coordinates (winch2) / 1000) + 0.5) * 1000 W2<-
owin(c(431500,464500), c( 75500, 149500)) Region<- allpop_strat[W2]
Subset from a bigger Window of points
Marked planar point pattern: 371 points Average intensity
1.519247e-07 points per square unit
Coordinates are given to 2 decimal places i.e. rounded to the nearest
multiple of 0.01 units
marks are numeric, of type ‘double’ Summary: Min. 1st Qu. Median
Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.4078 1.0000 6.0000
Window: rectangle = [431500, 464500] x [75500, 149500] units Window
area = 2.442e+09 square units
anyDuplicated(Region) 0
But I want any duplicated within a specific distanve
关于点的排序。如果距离内有很多点 R
(例如20 m)彼此之间可能有很多解决方案
X <- unmark(amacrine) # Built-in dataset for demonstation
R <- 0.03 # Distance of "close pairs"
close_list = closepairs(X, rmax = R, twice = FALSE)
close_index <- close_list$j
plot(X, main = "Test data with points to be deleted in red")
plot(X[close_index], col = "red", pch = 20, add = TRUE)
Y <- X[-close_index]
plot(Y, main = "Retained points after removal of close points.")
我在 R studio 中有一个坐标数据集,我正在尝试删除位于彼此一定距离(即 20 米)内的重复点。 任何的想法? 谢谢
winch2<- data.frame(Lon=c(-1.560367, -1.078330 ), Lat=c( 50.576342, 51.243823)) coordinates(winch2) <- ~Lon + Lat proj4string(winch2) <- latlong winch2 <- spTransform(winch2, bng) (floor (coordinates (winch2) / 1000) + 0.5) * 1000 W2<- owin(c(431500,464500), c( 75500, 149500)) Region<- allpop_strat[W2]
Subset from a bigger Window of pointssummary(Region)
Marked planar point pattern: 371 points Average intensity 1.519247e-07 points per square unit
Coordinates are given to 2 decimal places i.e. rounded to the nearest multiple of 0.01 units
marks are numeric, of type ‘double’ Summary: Min. 1st Qu. Median
Mean 3rd Qu. Max. 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 0.4078 1.0000 6.0000Window: rectangle = [431500, 464500] x [75500, 149500] units Window area = 2.442e+09 square units
anyDuplicated(Region) 0
But I want any duplicated within a specific distanve
关于点的排序。如果距离内有很多点 R
(例如20 m)彼此之间可能有很多解决方案
X <- unmark(amacrine) # Built-in dataset for demonstation
R <- 0.03 # Distance of "close pairs"
close_list = closepairs(X, rmax = R, twice = FALSE)
close_index <- close_list$j
plot(X, main = "Test data with points to be deleted in red")
plot(X[close_index], col = "red", pch = 20, add = TRUE)
Y <- X[-close_index]
plot(Y, main = "Retained points after removal of close points.")