HTML 最初是使用 SGML 实现的吗?
Was HTML first implemented using SGML?
HTML 首先 使用
2. Java
3. 标准通用标记语言(SGML)
4. 以上none
我认为它的答案是 SGML 因为这里 link (,它说 "HTML is an application conforming to International Standard ISO 8879 -- Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)"
答案很可能是 "none of the above",但我不确定。我试过google,但还没有打到金币。
有人可以确认 HTML first 是如何实施的吗?
来自the Wikipedia entry for SGML:
While HTML was developed partially independently and in parallel with
SGML, its creator, Tim Berners-Lee, intended it to be an application
of SGML.[citation needed] The design of HTML (Hyper Text Markup
Language) was therefore inspired by SGML tagging, but, since no clear
expansion and parsing guidelines were established, most actual HTML
documents are not valid SGML documents.
Later, HTML was reformulated
(version 2.0) to be more of an SGML application, however, the HTML
markup language has many legacy- and exception- handling features that
differ from SGML's requirements.
HTML 4 is an SGML application that
fully conforms to ISO 8879 – SGML.[14]
所以答案是虽然它最初是使用 SGML 类型的标记实现的,但它是并行的而不是作为 SGML 的直接后代。
The charter for the 2006 revival of the World Wide Web Consortium HTML Working Group says, "the Group will not assume that an SGML parser is used for 'classic HTML'".[15] Although HTML syntax closely resembles SGML syntax with the default reference concrete syntax, HTML5 abandons any attempt to define HTML as an SGML application, explicitly defining its own parsing rules,[16] which more closely match existing implementations and documents. It does, however, define an alternative XHTML serialization, which conforms to XML and therefore to SGML as well.
因此答案显然是“否 - none 以上”。 XML 可以归类为 SGML 标记,但 HTML 1 不是,HTML 2 是,HTML 3 和 4 不是,HTML 5 使用它自己的标记。
阅读维基百科的时间:3 分钟。
我认为您已经引用了有关该主题的权威资源(反映在 W3C 的网站上):根据 very first web site in existence, and the Technical - HTML Format subsection linked from it, HTML was indeed specified as an application of SGML. However, the first web browser was implemented in Objective-C,所以我认为 4。以上None为正确答案
HTML 首先 使用 1.C++ 2. Java 3. 标准通用标记语言(SGML) 4. 以上none
我认为它的答案是 SGML 因为这里 link (,它说 "HTML is an application conforming to International Standard ISO 8879 -- Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)"
答案很可能是 "none of the above",但我不确定。我试过google,但还没有打到金币。
有人可以确认 HTML first 是如何实施的吗?
来自the Wikipedia entry for SGML:
While HTML was developed partially independently and in parallel with SGML, its creator, Tim Berners-Lee, intended it to be an application of SGML.[citation needed] The design of HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) was therefore inspired by SGML tagging, but, since no clear expansion and parsing guidelines were established, most actual HTML documents are not valid SGML documents.
Later, HTML was reformulated (version 2.0) to be more of an SGML application, however, the HTML markup language has many legacy- and exception- handling features that differ from SGML's requirements.
HTML 4 is an SGML application that fully conforms to ISO 8879 – SGML.[14]
所以答案是虽然它最初是使用 SGML 类型的标记实现的,但它是并行的而不是作为 SGML 的直接后代。
The charter for the 2006 revival of the World Wide Web Consortium HTML Working Group says, "the Group will not assume that an SGML parser is used for 'classic HTML'".[15] Although HTML syntax closely resembles SGML syntax with the default reference concrete syntax, HTML5 abandons any attempt to define HTML as an SGML application, explicitly defining its own parsing rules,[16] which more closely match existing implementations and documents. It does, however, define an alternative XHTML serialization, which conforms to XML and therefore to SGML as well.
因此答案显然是“否 - none 以上”。 XML 可以归类为 SGML 标记,但 HTML 1 不是,HTML 2 是,HTML 3 和 4 不是,HTML 5 使用它自己的标记。
阅读维基百科的时间:3 分钟。
我认为您已经引用了有关该主题的权威资源(反映在 W3C 的网站上):根据 very first web site in existence, and the Technical - HTML Format subsection linked from it, HTML was indeed specified as an application of SGML. However, the first web browser was implemented in Objective-C,所以我认为 4。以上None为正确答案