
How to set a default color(turtle's color when its enter in the model) of turtle after it changes its color?


ask turtles [if count other turtles in-radius 1 > 5 [set color white]]

现在乌龟的颜色变成了白色,但在一定时间后 属性 对于同一只乌龟不成立,它应该将颜色更改为默认颜色吗? 我该如何解决?

我认为您正在寻找一个 turtles-own 计数器,该计数器会在不满足条件时减少。使用此设置:

turtles-own [ default-color countdown ]

to setup
  crt 150 [ 
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor 
    set default-color blue
    set color default-color

现在您可以让您的海龟四处游荡,并在它们改变颜色时更改它们的 countdown 变量。当 满足该条件时,他们可以减少计数器直到它达到零,此时他们可以恢复到默认颜色。评论中的更多详细信息:

to go
  ask turtles [
    rt random 60 - 30
    fd 0.25

    ; if there are more than 5 turtles in radius 3,
    ; turn white and set countdown to 5   
    ifelse count other turtles in-radius 3 > 5 [
      set color white 
      set countdown 5
    ] [
      ; If not, and counter is greater than 0,
      ; decrease the counter. 
      if countdown > 0 [
        set countdown countdown - 1

        ; If counter gets down to 0, 
        ; set color back to the default.
        if countdown = 0 [
          set color default-color
