使用双 FROM 子句删除

Delete with double FROM clause


create table #tempt(something int)

DELETE FROM #tempt -- works fine
FROM #tempt EM

我希望需要在 DELETE 中使用别名,而且我特别希望首先不需要那个 FROM。为什么第一个FROM可以存在?

DELETE EM --what I would expect to work
FROM #tempt EM

因为如果您查看文档 msdn:

[ WITH <common_table_expression> [ ,...n ] ]
    [ TOP (expression ) [ PERCENT ] ] 
    [ FROM ] 
    { { table_alias
      | <object> 
      | rowset_function_limited 
      [ WITH (table_hint_limited [ ...n ] ) ] } 
      | @table_variable
    [ <OUTPUT Clause> ]
    [ FROM table_source [ ,...n ] ] 
    [ WHERE { <search_condition> 
            | { [ CURRENT OF 
                   { { [ GLOBAL ] cursor_name } 
                       | cursor_variable_name 
    [ OPTION ( <Query Hint> [ ,...n ] ) ] 
[; ]    
<object> ::=
    [ server_name.database_name.schema_name. 
      | database_name. [ schema_name ] . 
      | schema_name.


第一个是可选的,用于标识目标 table。

第二个(不是标准的)它可用于通过连接而不是存在对目标 table 实现额外过滤。

经过进一步调查,第一个 FROM 似乎是编写 DELETE FROM 语句的标准方式。但是使用第二个 FROM 会使语句看起来不自然(如您所指出的),因此这可能是它是可选的背后的原因。

来自 MSDN(摘录):

    [ FROM ] 
    { { table_alias
      | table_or_view_name       
    [ FROM table_source [ ,...n ] ] 


FROM: An optional keyword that can be used between the DELETE keyword and the target table_or_view_name

第一个 FROM 的参数:

table_alias: The alias specified in the FROM table_source clause representing the table or view from which the rows are to be deleted.

table_or view_name: The name of the table or view from which the rows are to be removed.


FROM table_source: Specifies an additional FROM clause. This Transact-SQL extension to DELETE allows specifying data from and deleting the corresponding rows from the table in the first FROM clause.


  • 第一个 FROMoptional 并且用于指定 target table 从哪个行开始被删除。您可以省略它,正如您在 OP 中指出的那样,只需使用第二个 FROM 中指定的 table_alias
  • 第二个FROM是一个T-SQL扩展,用来指定要从target中删除的行table.