从 mandrill 到 gmail 的电子邮件非常延迟

Emails very delayed getting from mandrill to gmail

在过去的 4 个月里,我们发现通过 mandrill 向 gmail 地址发送电子邮件时出现严重延迟。有时需要 15 分钟,但有时可能长达一个小时。当我在电子邮件发送后不久检查 mandrill 出站部分时,它显示电子邮件已送达,但通常需要一段时间才能真正显示在我的收件箱中。我们将此服务用于欢迎电子邮件和密码重置,因此不能接受长时间等待。


我在通过 Mandrill 发送到 gmail 的电子邮件延迟方面遇到了类似的问题。

为了解决这个问题,我查看了 Mandrill 中 "Settings" 下的 "Sending Domains" 页面。我发现 DKIM 和 SPF DNS 记录丢失或无效。 Mandrill 将通过单击 "View... settings" link 为您提供新值。更新这些设置后,我们不再遇到延迟。

我也有 gmail 显示大约 10 分钟后通过 mandrill 发送的电子邮件。注册确认和密码重置是不可接受的。

我已经配置了我的 DKIM 和 SPF dns 记录,Mandrill 在此记录中报告所有绿色。

但是发送到 gmail 的邮件总是无故延迟。

过了一会儿 我决定 test/use 我自己的电子邮件服务器 来做这件事,而不是 mandrill。现在 gmail 没有延迟。我很高兴:)

在此之后,我想我只会将 mandrill 用于大量电子邮件发送/营销,延迟并不重要。时间会证明一切。


mandrillapp.com > 设置 > 域 > 发送域 中,验证以下 3 点:

  • DKIM 有效,
  • SPF有效,
  • 域已验证。

我已经 运行 多次处理过这个问题。我们的 DNS 设置都很好(DKIM 和 SPF 确认我的 Mandrill)并且经过一些调查(查看延迟电子邮件的 headers)延迟似乎完全在 Mandrill 一方(一旦它被移交给 Gmail 或雅虎交付发生在一秒钟内)。当我联系 Mandrill 支持时,他们解释了为什么我们会看到这些延迟:

In looking over the logs for your account we are seeing intermittent delays for some of your recipients. Generally, the speed of delivery in most cases depends largely on the receiving domain, and how quickly they will receive and process emails. Most of the major email providers limit how much email they'll receive in a certain period of time, and will restrict delivery—Mandrill's sending servers are designed to queue and back off sending if this occurs. In these cases, the receiving mail server or ISP will return a specific kind of SMTP response telling Mandrill's servers to 'back off' and 'try again later,' which ultimately results in the message lingering on our mail servers longer than expected (and since the message isn't passed off to the receiving server at that point, and we're only getting a 'try again' response, you won't see that information in the message headers of the final email you receive. You'll only see that the email stayed on our servers for a longer time period which can be confusing).

Additionally, even though we may hand the messages off to ISPs for delivery almost immediately, it's still up to that ISP, like Gmail or Yahoo, to actually to process that email and place it in the inbox. Each receiving server is different though, so it may take a different amount of time for Yahoo to process the mail than Gmail, for example. In many cases, things like the time of day and overall email traffic to that recipient server can affect how quickly they're able to receive and process email.

All that said, the delays you're seeing generally aren't expected, and while we see that messages are ultimately delivering, we are detecting factors on our end where we may need to make some changes to help mitigate further delays. Our delivery team is continuing to monitor traffic to major ISPs and will make necessary adjustments as needed.

我们仍然会定期看到这些延迟,虽然它们已经有所改进,因此延迟很少超过 10 分钟左右,但它仍然会导致密码重置或确认等问题 time-sensitive .底线:Mandrill 非常适合批量邮寄,但如果您需要即时投递,您可能需要依赖其他服务或 self-hosted 服务。

我的经验是 Google SMTP 服务器导致延迟(不是 Mandrill)。通过查看原始电子邮件 headers(在 gmail 中,打开电子邮件,在右上角“更多”>“显示原始”中)并将电子邮件 header 粘贴到 google [=10] 来验证这一点=] 将向您显示您的电子邮件所经过的路径以及它在每台服务器上的延迟时间。如果您的 DKIM / SPF 无效,此报告还会告诉您。

为什么会出现延迟对我来说仍然是个谜。但是我怀疑因为我用来发送的域是新的,所以 gmail 垃圾邮件过滤器可能会将电子邮件列为灰色,直到有足够多的用户打开电子邮件并且没有单击垃圾邮件按钮为止?我不知道。