通过使用涉及两列的两个单独的选择标准使用 dplyr 进行过滤
Filtering with dplyr by using two separate selection criteria involving two columns
我下面的 reprex 模拟了一个 data.frame
,其中涉及 4 个样本:Control
和 Drug_3
以及它们之间的成对比较(差异显示为 p_value
)。我想在一个函数中使用这段代码来比较 4 个以上的组。我尝试将过滤条件与 OR
我的最终目标是获得一个 filtered_df
,它显示变量 group1
和 group2
具有我的 comparisons
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
# Make a mock data frame
gene <- "ABCD1"
group1 <- c("Control", "Control", "Control", "Drug_1", "Drug_1", "Drug_2")
group2 <- c("Drug_1", "Drug_2", "Drug_3", "Drug_2", "Drug_3", "Drug_3")
p_value <- c(0.4, 0.001, 0.003, 0.01, 0.3, 0.9)
df <- data.frame(gene, group1, group2, p_value)
#> gene group1 group2 p_value
#> 1 ABCD1 Control Drug_1 0.400
#> 2 ABCD1 Control Drug_2 0.001
#> 3 ABCD1 Control Drug_3 0.003
#> 4 ABCD1 Drug_1 Drug_2 0.010
#> 5 ABCD1 Drug_1 Drug_3 0.300
#> 6 ABCD1 Drug_2 Drug_3 0.900
# I'd like to filter rows when group1 and group2 matches the following pairs
comparisons <- list(c("Control", "Drug_1"), c("Control", "Drug_2"), c("Drug_2", "Drug_3"))
# I can filter by using one pair as follows:
filtered_df <- df %>%
filter(group1 == comparisons[[1]][1] & group2 == comparisons[[1]][2])
#> gene group1 group2 p_value
#> 1 ABCD1 Control Drug_1 0.4
由 reprex package (v0.2.0) 创建于 2018-06-29。
1) 一种方法是遍历 list
('comparisons') 然后对数据集个体进行 filter
和将输出绑定在一起 (map_df
map_df(comparisons, ~ df %>%
filter(group1 == .x[1] & group2 == .x[2]))
2) 另一种选择是将 list
转换为 data.frame
并使用第一个数据集 [=21] 执行 inner_join
do.call(rbind, comparisons) %>% # rbind to a matrix
as.data.frame %>% # convert to a data.frame
set_names(c("group1", "group2")) %>% # change the column names
inner_join(df) # and inner join
3) 或使用 base R
中的 merge
(类似于 2)
merge(df, as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, comparisons)),
by.x = c("group1", "group2"), by.y = c("V1", "V2"))
我下面的 reprex 模拟了一个 data.frame
,其中涉及 4 个样本:Control
和 Drug_3
以及它们之间的成对比较(差异显示为 p_value
)。我想在一个函数中使用这段代码来比较 4 个以上的组。我尝试将过滤条件与 OR
我的最终目标是获得一个 filtered_df
,它显示变量 group1
和 group2
具有我的 comparisons
最好的, 阿塔坎
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
# Make a mock data frame
gene <- "ABCD1"
group1 <- c("Control", "Control", "Control", "Drug_1", "Drug_1", "Drug_2")
group2 <- c("Drug_1", "Drug_2", "Drug_3", "Drug_2", "Drug_3", "Drug_3")
p_value <- c(0.4, 0.001, 0.003, 0.01, 0.3, 0.9)
df <- data.frame(gene, group1, group2, p_value)
#> gene group1 group2 p_value
#> 1 ABCD1 Control Drug_1 0.400
#> 2 ABCD1 Control Drug_2 0.001
#> 3 ABCD1 Control Drug_3 0.003
#> 4 ABCD1 Drug_1 Drug_2 0.010
#> 5 ABCD1 Drug_1 Drug_3 0.300
#> 6 ABCD1 Drug_2 Drug_3 0.900
# I'd like to filter rows when group1 and group2 matches the following pairs
comparisons <- list(c("Control", "Drug_1"), c("Control", "Drug_2"), c("Drug_2", "Drug_3"))
# I can filter by using one pair as follows:
filtered_df <- df %>%
filter(group1 == comparisons[[1]][1] & group2 == comparisons[[1]][2])
#> gene group1 group2 p_value
#> 1 ABCD1 Control Drug_1 0.4
由 reprex package (v0.2.0) 创建于 2018-06-29。
1) 一种方法是遍历 list
('comparisons') 然后对数据集个体进行 filter
和将输出绑定在一起 (map_df
map_df(comparisons, ~ df %>%
filter(group1 == .x[1] & group2 == .x[2]))
2) 另一种选择是将 list
转换为 data.frame
并使用第一个数据集 [=21] 执行 inner_join
do.call(rbind, comparisons) %>% # rbind to a matrix
as.data.frame %>% # convert to a data.frame
set_names(c("group1", "group2")) %>% # change the column names
inner_join(df) # and inner join
3) 或使用 base R
中的 merge
(类似于 2)
merge(df, as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, comparisons)),
by.x = c("group1", "group2"), by.y = c("V1", "V2"))