T4 文本生成部分 类

T4 Text Generation Partial Classes

我正在测试 运行 次文本生成的 T4 文本模板功能。

MSDN - Run-Time Text Generation with T4 它指出:

Usually a template must import some data from other parts of the application. To make this easy, the code built by the template is a partial class. You can create another part of the same class in another file in your project. That file can include a constructor with parameters, properties and functions that can accessed both by the code that is embedded in the template, and by the rest of the application.

我试过这个(VS2017 - .NET 4.6.1),编译时出现以下错误 -

'CSharpFunction' does not contain a definition for 'TransformText'

A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields or methods

Compiling transformation: The name 'FunctionName' does not exist in the current context

The name 'ErrorGeneratingOutput' does not exist in the current context.


partial class CSharpFunction
    private string FunctionName;

    public CSharpFunction(string functionName)
        FunctionName = functionName;


<#@ template language="C#" #>
<#@ assembly name="System.Core" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Linq" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Text" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Collections.Generic" #>
public void <#=FunctionName#>()


class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var obj = new CSharpFunction("Test");
        string output = obj.TransformText();


确保您的运行时文本模板文件的 属性 自定义工具 设置为 TextTemplatingFilePreprocessor

这是通过创建一个运行时文本模板自动完成的,该文件类型与文本模板在Visual Studio.