Pygame - 将表面区域的滚动锁定到有限的数量

Pygame - locking the scroll of a surface area to a limited amount

我正在玩 pygame 并且正在制作记忆游戏。 在我的记忆游戏中,我需要在屏幕的中间底部有一个小菜单,在屏幕顶部有一个玩家列表。游戏管理器会在屏幕左上角输出消息。

卡牌所在的可玩棋盘应位于屏幕中央,左右各有一小部分空白,距离顶部和底部约 200 像素。(例如,如果屏幕宽度和高度为 1200 x 800,可玩棋盘的宽度应为 2 至 1998,高度应为 200 至 600。



可玩的棋盘(屏幕截图上的游戏棋盘)应该通过键盘移动(所以上、右、下、左箭头)。我想做的是允许每列多于 4 张卡片,每行多于 12 张卡片,这样当卡片多于 12 x 4 时,游戏板可以移动,但不会退出标记为红色的方块在屏幕截图上(因此它是一个可滚动的表面)。我想将可滚动区域限制为 1200 像素的宽度和 400 像素的高度,但是该区域只能在红色区域内滚动。



from pygame import *
import sys

screen_width = 1200
screen_height = 800
screen = display.set_mode((screen_width, screen_height))

board_width = 2000
board_height = 1000
playable_board = Surface((board_width, board_height))
playable_board = playable_board.convert()

screen.fill((255, 255, 255))

#draw.rect(playable_board, (125, 125, 125), (2, 200, board_width, board_height))
for x in range(0, 50):
    draw.rect(playable_board, (100, 100, 100), (x * 100 + 5, 200, 90, 90))
    draw.rect(playable_board, (100, 100, 100), (x * 100 + 5, 310, 90, 90))
    draw.rect(playable_board, (100, 100, 100), (x * 100 + 5, 420, 90, 90))
    draw.rect(playable_board, (100, 100, 100), (x * 100 + 5, 530, 90, 90))
    # draw.rect(playable_board, (100, 100, 100), (x * 100 + 5, 640, 90, 90))

point_x = 0
point_y = 0
point_change = -30

animationTimer = time.Clock()
endProgram = False

while not endProgram:
    for e in event.get():
    key_pressed = key.get_pressed()
    if e.type == QUIT:
        endProgram = True
    if e.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP:
        mouse_x, mouse_y = e.pos
        display.set_caption(('Coordinates: ' + str(mouse_x + abs(point_x)) + 'x' + str(mouse_y + abs(point_y))))
        draw.rect(playable_board, (50, 200, 50), (mouse_x + abs(point_x), mouse_y + abs(point_y), 10, 10))
    if key_pressed[K_LEFT]:
        point_x -= point_change
    if key_pressed[K_RIGHT]:
        point_x += point_change
    if key_pressed[K_UP]:
        point_y -= point_change
    if key_pressed[K_DOWN]:
        point_y += point_change
    if point_x > 0:
        point_x = 0
    if point_x < -(board_width - screen_width):
        point_x = -(board_width - screen_width)
    if point_y > 0:
        point_y = 0
    if point_y < -(board_height - screen_height):
        point_y = -(board_height - screen_height)
    screen.blit(playable_board, (point_x, point_y, screen_width, screen_height))
    draw.rect(screen, (100, 255, 100), (500, 650, 200, 150))
    draw.rect(screen, (100, 255, 100), (100, 0, 1000, 50))  
    draw.rect(screen, (100, 255, 100), (0, 70, 250, 100))   

我会创建一个 subsurface of the playable_board and then blit it at the desired coordinates. You need to define a rect (called area here) with the desired size of the subsurface and scroll it by incrementing the x and y attributes. To keep the area rect inside of the board_rect (to prevent ValueErrors), you can call the pygame.Rect.clampclamp_ip 方法。

import pygame as pg

screen = pg.display.set_mode((1200, 800))

board = pg.Surface((2000, 1000))
board.fill((20, 70, 110))
board_rect = board.get_rect()

# Append the rects to a list if you want to use
# them for collision detection.
rects = []
for y in range(11):
    for x in range(22):
        rect = pg.draw.rect(board, (100, 100, 100), (x*95, y*95, 90, 90))

# The blit position of the subsurface.
pos = (20, 200)
point_change = -10
# This rect is needed to create a subsurface with the size (1160, 400).
area = pg.Rect(0, 0, 1160, 400)
# Use the area rect to create a subsurface of the board.
board_subsurface = board.subsurface(area)

clock = pg.time.Clock()
endProgram = False

while not endProgram:
    for e in pg.event.get():
        if e.type == pg.QUIT:
            endProgram = True

    key_pressed = pg.key.get_pressed()
    # Scroll by changing the x and y coordinates of the area rect.
    if key_pressed[pg.K_LEFT]:
        area.x += point_change
    elif key_pressed[pg.K_RIGHT]:
        area.x -= point_change
    if key_pressed[pg.K_UP]:
        area.y += point_change
    elif key_pressed[pg.K_DOWN]:
        area.y -= point_change
    # Check if one of the movement keys was pressed.
    if any(key_pressed[key] for key in (pg.K_LEFT, pg.K_RIGHT, pg.K_UP, pg.K_DOWN)):
        # Clamp the area rect to the board_rect, otherwise calling
        # `board.subsurface` could raise a ValueError.
        # Create a new subsurface with the size of the area rect.
        board_subsurface = board.subsurface(area)

    screen.fill((30, 30, 30))
    screen.blit(board_subsurface, pos)
    pg.draw.rect(screen, (100, 255, 100), (500, 650, 200, 150))
    pg.draw.rect(screen, (100, 255, 100), (100, 0, 1000, 50))  
    pg.draw.rect(screen, (100, 255, 100), (0, 70, 250, 100))   