
How do I work with certain groupings of newtypes


newtype Skill = Skill { name :: String, other :: Int }
newtype Feature = Feature { name :: String, something :: Boolean }
newtype Special = Special { name :: String, different :: String }

type Namable = forall r. { name :: String | r }

changeName :: forall m. String -> m Namable -> m Namable
changeName newName (ctor namable) = 
    ctor $ namable { name = newName }


Error 1 of 1
  Unable to parse module:
  unexpected "namable"
  expecting @, ::, operator or )

基本上我想为一组 newtype 添加功能。这并不总是整个集合,也不总是超过一个,但我想编写我定义的类型的实际功能 "ignorant"。如果将来我决定添加 newtype Statistic,我希望它成为 "just work"。


f :: forall m a. (a -> a) -> m a -> m a

似乎是一个不太通用的 Functor 定义。

看来我需要的是 Newtype 类型类:

newtype Skill = Skill { name :: String, other :: Int }
derive instance newtypeSkill :: Newtype Skill _
newtype Feature = Feature { name :: String, something :: Boolean }
derive instance newtypeFeature :: Newtype Feature _
newtype Special = Special { name :: String, different :: String }
derive instance newtypeSpecial :: Newtype Special _

type Namable = forall r. { name :: String | r }

changeModel ::forall p m. Newtype m p => (p -> p) -> m -> m
changeModel f m = over wrap f m

changeName :: forall m. Newtype m Namable => String -> m -> m
changeName newName m = changeModel (\x -> x { name = newName }) m

fishing :: Skill
fishing = Skill { name : "Fishing", other : 2 }

skating = changeName "Skating" fishing

changeModel 函数现在对 Newtype 类型完全通用。 changeName现在就像函数应用一样简单。


因为我正在使用 Newtype (also look at this info,所以我可以免费获得 overwrap 之类的东西。

over 函数很难理解,因为这些示例是以无意义的风格编写的。


lambda 函数是 "what you want done to the data of your newtype"。

末尾的 m 是您传入的实际值。这是被解包并传递到您的 lambda 中的值。