存储在 NSUserDefaults 中的复杂自定义对象。可编码解决方案 Swift 4

Complex Custom Object stored in NSUserDefaults. Codable Solution Swift 4

我一直在阅读和搜索有关如何将自定义对象存储到 "NSUserDefaults" 的内容。到目前为止,我已经得到了允许我通过在我的自定义对象中实现 "NSCoding" 来实现的解决方案。我得到的示例基于非常简单的对象,但在我的例子中,我面临着现有自定义 class 的挑战,该自定义 class 具有复杂的结构并且其中包含其他自定义 class。

class MyCustomClass:NSObject, NSCoding{

   let codingTagSecondClass = "codingTagSecondClass"
   var mySecondClass:MySecondCustomClass?

   let codeingTagaString = "codeingTagaString"
   var aString = "aString"

我已经实现了 NSCoding 方法,例如:

required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
   aString = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: codeingTagaString) as! String
   mySecondClass = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: codingTagSecondClass) as? mySecondClass:MySecondCustomClass

func encode(with aCoder: NSCoder) {

   aCoder.encode(aString, forKey: codeingTagaString)
   aCoder.encode(mySecondClass, forKey: codingTagSecondClass)


这就是我存储到 NSUserDefaults

let archivedObject = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: myCustomObject!)
let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
defaults.set(archivedObject, forKey: defaultUserCurrentServerProxy)

此实现仅适用于 String var,但当我尝试使用我的 secondCustomClass 执行此操作时它会崩溃...

我可以想象那是因为 "MySecondCustomClass" 没有实现 "NSCoding"。那是对的吗?有没有不同的方法来实现我想要做的事情?我的自定义 class 的结构比我在此处显示的结构大,因此在我开始编码或考虑其他替代方案之前,我需要知道。


改用 Codable,here关于如何使用它的非常好的post

我将给出一个工作示例,其中包含我为管理不同 Codable 对象的路径而实现的自定义助手

My Class:private class StoredMediaItem:Codable{
    var metadata: String?
    var url: URL?
    var trackID:UInt32 = 0

    init(metadata:String?, url:URL?, trackID:UInt32){

        self.metadata = metadata
        self.url = url
        self.trackID = trackID




func readStoredItemArray(fileName:String)->[StoredMediaItem]?{

    do {
        let storedMediaItemArray = try StorageHelper.retrieve(fileName, from: .caches, as: [StoredMediaItem].self)

        print("\(logClassNameOH) Read Stored Item Array from \(fileName) SUCCESS")

        return storedMediaItemArray

        } catch {

            print("\(logClassNameOH) Read Stored Item Array from\(fileName) ERROR -> \(error)")
            return nil




private func saveMediaItemArray(_ mediaItemArrayTemp:[storedMediaItemArray], as fileName:String){

    do {

        try StorageHelper.store(storedMediaItemArray, to: .caches, as: fileName)

        print("\(logClassNameOH) Read Stored Item Array from \(fileName) SUCCESS")

    } catch {
        print("\(logClassNameOH) save MediaItem Array ERROR -> \(error)")


还有我的 StorageHelper:

class StorageHelper{

    //MARK: - Variables
    enum StorageHelperError:Error{
        case error(_ message:String)

    enum Directory {
        // Only documents and other data that is user-generated, or that cannot otherwise be recreated by your application, should be stored in the <Application_Home>/Documents directory and will be automatically backed up by iCloud.
        case documents

        // Data that can be downloaded again or regenerated should be stored in the <Application_Home>/Library/Caches directory. Examples of files you should put in the Caches directory include database cache files and downloadable content, such as that used by magazine, newspaper, and map applications.
        case caches

    //MARK: - Functions
    /** Store an encodable struct to the specified directory on disk
    *  @param object      The encodable struct to store
    *  @param directory   Where to store the struct
    *  @param fileName    What to name the file where the struct data will be stored
    static func store<T: Encodable>(_ object: T, to directory: Directory, as fileName: String) throws {

        let url = getURL(for: directory).appendingPathComponent(fileName, isDirectory: false)

        let encoder = JSONEncoder()
        do {
            let data = try encoder.encode(object)
            if FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: url.path) {
                try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: url)
            FileManager.default.createFile(atPath: url.path, contents: data, attributes: nil)
        catch {


    /** Retrieve and convert an Object from a file on disk
    *  @param fileName    Name of the file where struct data is stored
    *  @param directory   Directory where Object data is stored
    *  @param type        Object type (i.e. Message.self)
    *  @return decoded    Object model(s) of data
    static func retrieve<T: Decodable>(_ fileName: String, from directory: Directory, as type: T.Type) throws -> T{
        let url = getURL(for: directory).appendingPathComponent(fileName, isDirectory: false)

        if !FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: url.path) {
            throw StorageHelperError.error("No data at location: \(url.path)")

        if let data = FileManager.default.contents(atPath: url.path) {
            let decoder = JSONDecoder()
            do {
                let model = try decoder.decode(type, from: data)
                return model
            } catch {
        else {
            throw StorageHelperError.error("No data at location: \(url.path)")

    /** Remove all files at specified directory **/
    static func clear(_ directory: Directory) throws {

        let url = getURL(for: directory)
        do {
            let contents = try FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(at: url, includingPropertiesForKeys: nil, options: [])
            for fileUrl in contents {
                try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: fileUrl)
        catch {


    /** Remove specified file from specified directory **/
    static func remove(_ fileName: String, from directory: Directory) throws {
        let url = getURL(for: directory).appendingPathComponent(fileName, isDirectory: false)
        if FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: url.path) {
            do {
                try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: url)
            } catch {

    //MARK: Helpers
    /** Returns BOOL indicating whether file exists at specified directory with specified file name **/
    static fileprivate func fileExists(_ fileName: String, in directory: Directory) -> Bool {

        let url = getURL(for: directory).appendingPathComponent(fileName, isDirectory: false)

        return FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: url.path)


    /** Returns URL constructed from specified directory **/
    static fileprivate func getURL(for directory: Directory) -> URL {

        var searchPathDirectory: FileManager.SearchPathDirectory

        switch directory {
        case .documents:
            searchPathDirectory = .documentDirectory
        case .caches:
            searchPathDirectory = .cachesDirectory

        if let url = FileManager.default.urls(for: searchPathDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).first {
            return url
        } else {
            fatalError("Could not create URL for specified directory!")

