Excel VB.Net - 将数组转换为范围并将值设置为工作表

Excel VB.Net - Convert array to range and set value to worksheet

几个小时以来,我一直在尝试为这个错误寻找解决方案,我找到的所有解决方案都没有修复我在设置 Range.Value2 = Value 时遇到的错误 在尝试将数组填充到 excel 电子表格时。 目前数组的长度只有 1,我已经用更大的数组尝试过,到目前为止它只是在最后一行代码中抛出这个异常:

System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: 'Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03EC'


Imports ExcelDna.Integration
Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel

Public Function TestFunction()

    'Dim data = New Object(1, 2) {{1, 2, 3}, {2, 3, 4}}
    Dim app As Excel.Application = CType(ExcelDnaUtil.Application, Excel.Application)
    Dim worksheet As Excel.Worksheet = CType(app.ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet, Excel.Worksheet)
    Dim rng As Excel.Range = CType(worksheet.Cells(2, 1), Excel.Range)

    Dim arr() As String = New String() {"hello world"}

    'Tried this rng.Value2 = arr as well
    rng.Resize(1, arr.Length).Value2 = arr
End Function

我的目标是能够将矩阵复制到 excel 电子表格,但到目前为止我 只需要帮助修复代码抛出数组的错误。 感谢您以后的回复!


Dim arrLine1() As String = {"Hello World!", "red", "green"}

' convert to 2-dimensional array
Dim arr(,) As String
Redim arr(1, arrLine1.Length)
For i = 0 To arrline1.Length - 1
    arr(0, i) = arrLine1(i)

rng.Resize(1, arr.GetUpperBound(1)).Value2 = arr