zlib minizip 解压缩的可执行文件已损坏

zlib minizip unpacked executables are corrupted

我正在尝试使用 miniunzip 来提取一些文件。它适用于 Linux。在 Windows 上,它不会抛出任何错误,但如果文件是可执行的,生成的二进制文件将不起作用。我收到一条消息 window,其中包含一条关于与 64 位 Windows 不兼容的消息。如果我使用其他实用程序(例如 7-zip)将其解压缩,一切正常,所以问题出在我的代码中。这是完成所有工作的 class 方法。

bool FileHandler::unzip( string inputFile, string outputDirectory )
    if (!fileExists(inputFile)) {
        this->errorMessage = "Can't find file at " + inputFile;
        return false;
    unzFile zipFile = unzOpen(inputFile.c_str());
    if( zipFile == nullptr ){
        this->errorMessage = "FileHandler::unzip failed to open input file";
        return false;
    vector<string> files;
    vector<string> folders;
    unz_global_info globalInfo;
    int err = unzGetGlobalInfo( zipFile, &globalInfo );
    if (unzGoToFirstFile(zipFile) != UNZ_OK) {
        this->errorMessage = "FileHandler::unzip failed calling unzGoToFirstFile";
        return false;
    for ( unsigned long i=0; i < globalInfo.number_entry && err == UNZ_OK; i++ ){
        char filename[FILENAME_MAX];
        unz_file_info subFileInfo;
        err = unzGetCurrentFileInfo( zipFile, &subFileInfo, filename,
                                    sizeof(filename), NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
        if ( err == UNZ_OK )
            char nLast = filename[subFileInfo.size_filename-1];
            if ( nLast =='/' || nLast == '\' )

            err = unzGoToNextFile(zipFile);

    for ( string & folder : folders ){
        string strippedFolder = folder.substr(0, folder.length()-1);
        string dirPath = normalizePath(outputDirectory+"/"+strippedFolder);
        if( ! makeDirectory( dirPath ) ){
            this->errorMessage = "FileHandler::unzip Failed to create directory "+dirPath;
            return false;
    for ( auto it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); it++ ){
        if( zipFile == 0 ){
            this->errorMessage = "FileHandler::unzip invalid unzFile object at position 1";
            return false;
        string filename = *it;

        //string filepath = outputDirectory + "/" + *it;
        string filepath = normalizePath( outputDirectory + "/" + *it );

        const char * cFile = filename.c_str();
        const char * cPath = filepath.c_str();
        int err = unzLocateFile( zipFile, cFile, 0 );
        if ( err != UNZ_OK ){
            this->errorMessage = "FileHandler::unzip error locating sub-file.";
            return false;
        err = unzOpenCurrentFile( zipFile );
        if( err != UNZ_OK ){
            this->errorMessage = "FileHandler::unzip error opening current file";
            return false;
        ofstream fileStream{ cPath };
        // Need an ostream object here.
        if( fileStream.fail() ){
            this->errorMessage = "FileHandler::unzip error opening file stream at "+string(cPath);
            return false;
        unz_file_info curFileInfo;
        err = unzGetCurrentFileInfo( zipFile, &curFileInfo, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        if ( err != UNZ_OK )
            this->errorMessage = "FileHandler::unzip failed to read size of file";
            return false;
        unsigned int size = (unsigned int)curFileInfo.uncompressed_size;
        char * buf = new char[size];
        size = unzReadCurrentFile( zipFile, buf, size );
        if ( size < 0 ){
            this->errorMessage = "FileHandler::unzip unzReadCurrentFile returned an error. ";
            return false;
        fileStream.write( buf, size );
        delete [] buf;

#ifndef _WIN32
        vector<string> parts = splitString(filename, ".");
        if( parts.size() == 1 ){ // In linux, assume file without extension is executable
            mode_t old_mask = umask( 000 );
            chmod( cPath, S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IROTH|S_IXOTH );
            umask( old_mask );
        unzCloseCurrentFile( zipFile );
    return true;


在 Linux 上,文本模式和二进制模式之间似乎没有任何区别。但是在 Windows 上,尝试将 \n 写入文本文件会产生 \r\n,破坏您的数据。


ofstream fileStream{ cPath };

ofstream fileStream{ cPath, ostream::out | ostream::binary };