循环遍历 Microsoft Project 中的所有 TableFields 添加到组合框

Loop through all TableFields in Microsoft Project add to combobox

我一直在尝试在 VBA 中使用列出所有可能的 TableFields(?) 的组合框创建用户窗体。

更新代码: 使用@dbmitch 提供的代码和一些自由泳。 这会列出一个包含原始字段名称和自定义字段名称(如果存在)的双列组合框。它仅列出在 Activeproject 中使用的字段。并非所有可能的字段。但是,如果该字段无论如何都没有在 Activeproject 中使用...也许这是最好的!

Public strResult2 As String ' Used for custom field names

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    Dim objProject      As MSProject.Project
    Dim tskTable        As MSProject.Table
    Dim tskTables       As MSProject.Tables
    Dim tskTableField   As MSProject.TableField
    Dim strFieldName    As String

'ComboBoxColA.ListWidth = "180" 'Uncomment for wider dropdown list, without wider box

Set objProject = Application.ActiveProject
Set tskTables = objProject.TaskTables

With ComboBox1 'Adds one blank line at the top
  .ColumnCount = 2
  .AddItem ""
  .Column(1, 0) = "BLANK"
End With

' Loop through all tables
For Each tskTable In tskTables
    ' Loop through each field in each table
    For Each tskTableField In tskTable.TableFields
        strFieldName = GetFieldName(tskTableField)
        If Len(strFieldName) = 0 Then GoTo SKIPHERE
         With ComboBox1
            .Value = strFieldName
            ' Check if allready exists
            If .ListIndex = -1 Then
            ' Then sort alphabetically
                For x = 0 To .ListCount - 1
                    .ListIndex = x
                If strFieldName < .Value Then
                .AddItem strFieldName, x
                .Column(1, x) = strResult2
                    GoTo SKIPHERE
                End If    
              Next x
             .AddItem strFieldName
            End If
        End With

Set objProject = Nothing
Set tskTable = Nothing
Set tskTables = Nothing
Set tskTableField = Nothing
End Sub


Private Function GetFieldName(ByVal objField As MSProject.TableField) As String
  ' find the field name and column header for a field (column) in a data table
       'strResult is placed in column 0 in ComboBox
       'strResult2 is placed in column 1 in ComboBox

  Dim lngFieldID As Long
  Dim strResult As String

  lngFieldID = objField.Field

  With objField.Application
    strResult = Trim(.FieldConstantToFieldName(lngFieldID))
    On Error GoTo ErrorIfMinus1 ' CustomField does not handle lngFieldID= -1
    If Len(Trim(CustomFieldGetName(lngFieldID))) > 0 Then strResult2 = " (" & Trim(CustomFieldGetName(lngFieldID)) & ")" Else strResult2 = ""
  End With

  GetFieldName = strResult
Exit Function

  strResult2 = ""
  Resume Next
End Function

@dbmitch 帮助我使这段代码工作。谢谢!

link 的用处在于它显示了您可以通过 MS Project 对象模型使用的属性和方法。您应该可以通过稍微更改它来将其修改为 VBA 格式。


I have found code that let me list all fields in the current table


Sub LoadFieldNames()
    Dim objProject      As MSProject.Project

    Dim tskTable        AS MSProject.Table 
    Dim tskTables       AS MSProject.Tables
    Dim tskTableField   AS MSProject.TableField 

    Dim strFieldName    AS String

    Set objProject = Application.ActiveProject
    Set tskTables  = objProject.TaskTables

    ' Loop thru all tables
    For Each tskTable In tskTables

        ' Loop through each field in each table
        For Each tskTableField in tskTable.TableFields
            strFieldName = GetFieldName(tskTableField)
            ComboBox1.AddItem strFieldName

    Set objProject = Nothing
    Set tskTable = Nothing
    Set tskTables = Nothing
    Set tskTableField = Nothing

 End Sub

尝试添加 function from this post 来创建函数 GetFieldName ... 它应该可以编译

Private Function GetFieldName(ByVal objField As MSProject.TableField) As String
  ' find the field name (actually colmn heading) for a field (column) in a data table

  Dim lngFieldID As Long
  Dim strResult As String

  lngFieldID = objField.Field

  With objField.Application
    strResult = Trim(objField.Title) ' first choice is to use the title specified for the column in the table

    If Len(strResult) = 0 Then
      ' try to get the custom field name- this will come back blank if it's not a custom field
      strResult = Trim((CustomFieldGetName(lngFieldID)))
    End If

    If Len(strResult) = 0 Then
      strResult = Trim(.FieldConstantToFieldName(lngFieldID)) ' use the field name
    End If
  End With

  GetFieldName = strResult
End Function