Azure 搜索 - 计数是近似值还是真实值?

Azure Search - Is the count approximate or real?

我在 Azure 搜索中包含大约 615k 个文档。与之前基于 sql 服务器的搜索相比,使用 $count 时我得到了不同的计数。官方文档我找不到任何相关信息,但在 Whosebug 上我发现了以下内容:

$count 是近似值还是真实值?官方文档中有没有我遗漏的信息?

计数是近似值。来自 REST API documentation page:

$count=true | false

Optional, defaults to false. When calling via POST, this parameter is named count instead of $count. Specifies whether to fetch the total count of results. This is the count of all documents that match the search and $filter parameters, ignoring $top and $skip. Setting this value to true may have a performance impact. Note that the count returned is an approximation. If you’d like to get only the count without any documents, you can use $top=0

返回的计数是一个近似值。除了 "REST API document",它被记录在 ".NET API document" to.