交互式 Google 电子表格到 Google 文档编辑不起作用
Interactive Google Spreadsheet to Google Doc edit not working
我有几个项目,它们遵循相同的结构,它们有一个 table 8 行和两列,到目前为止我写了一个脚本来获取所有文档,然后将它们放在 table 信息为 column.It 是一个容器绑定脚本,我想被几个人使用 users.I 被阻止了很长时间,因为如果我在 [=37] 中修改我想进行交互=] 它将在 Google 文档中修改,副 verso.I 开始 我尝试使用日期列,如果我修改日期然后单击 Google 的 url医生看到了变化,但它没有 work.This 是我的代码:
编辑 这是我新修改的代码:
function modify_Date_Google_Spreadsheet_to_Google_Doc_Project(e) {
Logger.log(">> The column URL >> " + COLUMN_URL );
Logger.log("The column date where we will modify it " + column_date_project);
var tss = SpreadsheetApp.openById(SPREADSHEET_ID);
var sheet = tss.getSheets()[0];
var numRows = sheet.getLastRow();
var lastColumn = sheet.getLastColumn();
//from the second line car the first line we have the headers
var data = sheet.getRange(1,1,numRows,lastColumn).getDisplayValues();
if ( ( e.range.getColumnIndex() == column_date_project ) )
var activeRow = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveRange().getRowIndex();
var URL = e.range.offset(0,1,1,1).getValue();
Logger.log('The URL is : ' + URL );
var body = DocumentApp.openByUrl(URL).getBody();
Logger.log('The body is ' + body );
var ok = 0; //for the moment we don't have the table to modify the values we've put in the spreadsheet
var numChildren=body.getNumChildren();
var compteur=0;
//while we don't find the table we will search
while(ok ==0 && compteur<numChildren)
var child=body.getChild(compteur);
/** =========We are concerned by the first table with at least 8 rows ===**/
Logger.log('the type in the loop ' + child.getType());
//here is our table **/
if(child.getType()==DocumentApp.ElementType.TABLE && child.asTable().getNumRows() >= 8)
//so the variable gets 1 >> ok = 1
/** The number of rows in the Google Doc table **/
var numrows = child.asTable().getNumRows();
Logger.log('The number of rows is ' + numrows);
//Logger.log('The new date is ' + data[activeRow][colonne_date_de_projet-1]);
/** we will loop in the table **/
var k = 1; //we know the information is at right so we don't loop we will replace the value
/** is not working **********************************************/
//child.asTable().getCell(7, k).editAsText().setText( data[activeRow][column_date_project-1] ) ;
/**** is working ***/
child.asTable().getCell(7, k).editAsText().setText( 10 ) ;
compteur++; /** until we find our table **/
这是一个编辑触发器,因为我在项目中还有另一个触发器这是 Google 电子表格,里面有脚本:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1k_kj98U__0Bk44gh0qRFpaVx0ru3sN1pSPGiMQwimxo/edit?usp=sharing and my folder with the Google Doc projects is here : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1x1m7tqfoSY6yW5gvwoIoh9jRPuiqwADO?usp=sharing Any idea is great :) thank you very much in advance
我尝试了另一个代码,只有当我修改这段代码中第 4 个项目的日期时才有效我只替换了
data_sheet[activeRow ][column_date_project-1] with
data_sheet[4][column_date_project-1] because activeRow is undefined
so any idea to recover the row of the active cell when I edit the data corresponding cell is great.
/** working with 4 as the 4 row's date modifies****/
function works(e) {
Logger.log(">> The column URL >> " + COLUMN_URL );
Logger.log("The column date where we will modify it " + column_date_project);
var tss_bis = SpreadsheetApp.openById(SPREADSHEET_ID);
var sheet_bis = tss_bis.getSheets()[0];
var numRows_bis = sheet_bis.getLastRow();
var lastColumn_bis = sheet_bis.getLastColumn();
//from the second line car the first line we have the headers
var data_sheet = sheet_bis.getRange(1,1,numRows_bis,lastColumn_bis).getDisplayValues();
if ( ( e.range.getColumnIndex() == column_date_project ) )
var activeRow = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveRange().getRowIndex();
Logger.log('The active row is : ' + activeRow );
var URL = e.range.offset(0,1,1,1).getValue();
Logger.log('The URL is : ' + URL );
var body = DocumentApp.openByUrl(URL).getBody();
Logger.log('The body is ' + body );
var ok = 0; //for the moment we don't have the table to modify the values we've put in the spreadsheet
var numChildren=body.getNumChildren();
var compteur=0;
//while we don't find the table we will search
while(ok ==0 && compteur<numChildren)
var child=body.getChild(compteur);
/** =========We are concerned by the first table with at least 8 rows ===**/
Logger.log('the type in the loop ' + child.getType());
//here is our table **/
if(child.getType()==DocumentApp.ElementType.TABLE && child.asTable().getNumRows() >= 8)
//so the variable gets 1 >> ok = 1
/** The number of rows in the Google Doc table **/
var numrows = child.asTable().getNumRows();
Logger.log('The number of rows is ' + numrows);
Logger.log('The new date is ' + data_sheet[4][column_date_project-1]);
/** we will loop in the table **/
var k = 1; //we know the information is at right so we don't loop we will replace the value
/** is working **********************************************/
child.asTable().getCell(7, k).editAsText().setText( data_sheet[4][column_date_project-1] ) ;
compteur++; /** until we find our table **/
我有几个项目,它们遵循相同的结构,它们有一个 table 8 行和两列,到目前为止我写了一个脚本来获取所有文档,然后将它们放在 table 信息为 column.It 是一个容器绑定脚本,我想被几个人使用 users.I 被阻止了很长时间,因为如果我在 [=37] 中修改我想进行交互=] 它将在 Google 文档中修改,副 verso.I 开始 我尝试使用日期列,如果我修改日期然后单击 Google 的 url医生看到了变化,但它没有 work.This 是我的代码:
编辑 这是我新修改的代码:
function modify_Date_Google_Spreadsheet_to_Google_Doc_Project(e) {
Logger.log(">> The column URL >> " + COLUMN_URL );
Logger.log("The column date where we will modify it " + column_date_project);
var tss = SpreadsheetApp.openById(SPREADSHEET_ID);
var sheet = tss.getSheets()[0];
var numRows = sheet.getLastRow();
var lastColumn = sheet.getLastColumn();
//from the second line car the first line we have the headers
var data = sheet.getRange(1,1,numRows,lastColumn).getDisplayValues();
if ( ( e.range.getColumnIndex() == column_date_project ) )
var activeRow = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveRange().getRowIndex();
var URL = e.range.offset(0,1,1,1).getValue();
Logger.log('The URL is : ' + URL );
var body = DocumentApp.openByUrl(URL).getBody();
Logger.log('The body is ' + body );
var ok = 0; //for the moment we don't have the table to modify the values we've put in the spreadsheet
var numChildren=body.getNumChildren();
var compteur=0;
//while we don't find the table we will search
while(ok ==0 && compteur<numChildren)
var child=body.getChild(compteur);
/** =========We are concerned by the first table with at least 8 rows ===**/
Logger.log('the type in the loop ' + child.getType());
//here is our table **/
if(child.getType()==DocumentApp.ElementType.TABLE && child.asTable().getNumRows() >= 8)
//so the variable gets 1 >> ok = 1
/** The number of rows in the Google Doc table **/
var numrows = child.asTable().getNumRows();
Logger.log('The number of rows is ' + numrows);
//Logger.log('The new date is ' + data[activeRow][colonne_date_de_projet-1]);
/** we will loop in the table **/
var k = 1; //we know the information is at right so we don't loop we will replace the value
/** is not working **********************************************/
//child.asTable().getCell(7, k).editAsText().setText( data[activeRow][column_date_project-1] ) ;
/**** is working ***/
child.asTable().getCell(7, k).editAsText().setText( 10 ) ;
compteur++; /** until we find our table **/
这是一个编辑触发器,因为我在项目中还有另一个触发器这是 Google 电子表格,里面有脚本:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1k_kj98U__0Bk44gh0qRFpaVx0ru3sN1pSPGiMQwimxo/edit?usp=sharing and my folder with the Google Doc projects is here : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1x1m7tqfoSY6yW5gvwoIoh9jRPuiqwADO?usp=sharing Any idea is great :) thank you very much in advance
我尝试了另一个代码,只有当我修改这段代码中第 4 个项目的日期时才有效我只替换了
data_sheet[activeRow ][column_date_project-1] with data_sheet[4][column_date_project-1] because activeRow is undefined so any idea to recover the row of the active cell when I edit the data corresponding cell is great.
/** working with 4 as the 4 row's date modifies****/ function works(e) { find_columns_in_projet(); Logger.log(">> The column URL >> " + COLUMN_URL ); Logger.log("The column date where we will modify it " + column_date_project); var tss_bis = SpreadsheetApp.openById(SPREADSHEET_ID); var sheet_bis = tss_bis.getSheets()[0]; var numRows_bis = sheet_bis.getLastRow(); var lastColumn_bis = sheet_bis.getLastColumn(); //from the second line car the first line we have the headers var data_sheet = sheet_bis.getRange(1,1,numRows_bis,lastColumn_bis).getDisplayValues(); if ( ( e.range.getColumnIndex() == column_date_project ) ) { var activeRow = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveRange().getRowIndex(); Logger.log('The active row is : ' + activeRow ); var URL = e.range.offset(0,1,1,1).getValue(); Logger.log('The URL is : ' + URL ); var body = DocumentApp.openByUrl(URL).getBody(); Logger.log('The body is ' + body ); if(body) { var ok = 0; //for the moment we don't have the table to modify the values we've put in the spreadsheet var numChildren=body.getNumChildren(); var compteur=0; //while we don't find the table we will search while(ok ==0 && compteur<numChildren) { var child=body.getChild(compteur); /** =========We are concerned by the first table with at least 8 rows ===**/ Logger.log('the type in the loop ' + child.getType()); //here is our table **/ if(child.getType()==DocumentApp.ElementType.TABLE && child.asTable().getNumRows() >= 8) { //so the variable gets 1 >> ok = 1 ok=1; /** The number of rows in the Google Doc table **/ var numrows = child.asTable().getNumRows(); Logger.log('The number of rows is ' + numrows); Logger.log('The new date is ' + data_sheet[4][column_date_project-1]); /** we will loop in the table **/ var k = 1; //we know the information is at right so we don't loop we will replace the value /** is working **********************************************/ child.asTable().getCell(7, k).editAsText().setText( data_sheet[4][column_date_project-1] ) ; } compteur++; /** until we find our table **/ } } } }