使用 Squiggly 启用拼写检查后,删除键和箭头键停止工作
After enabling spell checking with Squiggly the delete key and arrow keys stop working
在 TextFlow 上启用 Squiggly 后,删除键和箭头键停止工作。如果我四处点击或切换应用程序并切换回来,它有时会再次开始工作。如果我根本不使用 Squiggly,删除键和箭头键将按预期工作。
这是我用来启用 Squiggly 的代码:
var locale:String = "en_US";
SpellUIForTLF.enableSpelling(myTextFlow, locale);
看起来像是 TLF 或 SpellUIForTLF class 的错误。在 SpellUIForTLF class 中有一个方法 "doSpellingJob" 被调用。在此调用之后,您需要重新选择文本流中的选择。
// From customized SpellUIForTLF.as class
public function doSpellingJob():void
if (_spellingEnabled == false) return;
for (var idx:int = 0; idx < mTextFlow.flowComposer.numControllers; idx++)
var testController:ContainerController = mTextFlow.flowComposer.getControllerAt(idx);
//if (getValidFirstWordIndexTLF(testController) != -1)
spellCheckRangeTLF(getValidFirstWordIndexTLF(testController), getValidLastWordIndexTLF(testController));
if (hasEventListener(Event.COMPLETE)) {
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE));
if (keepFocusOnTextFlow && !calledSetFocusOnce) {
calledSetFocusOnce = true;
public function setFocusOnTextFlowContainer():void {
//trace("Setting focus on textflow");
var testController:ContainerController;
if (mTextFlow.flowComposer) {
if (mTextFlow.flowComposer.numControllers) {
testController = mTextFlow.flowComposer.getControllerAt(0);
FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.stage.focus = null;
if (testController) {
FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.stage.focus = testController.container;
if (mTextFlow.interactionManager) {
var selectionState:SelectionState = mTextFlow.interactionManager.getSelectionState();
mTextFlow.interactionManager.selectRange(selectionState.anchorPosition, selectionState.activePosition);
* Sets the focus on the first container controller on the first composition complete.
* This is to fix a bug in some situations where the delete and arrow keys do not
* work after spell checking has been enabled before the text flow composition
* has completed. Usually there is also a delay with editing the first time the dictionary loads.
* */
public static var keepFocusOnTextFlow:Boolean;
public static var calledSetFocusOnce:Boolean;
public function SpellUIForTLF(textModel:TextFlow, lang:String)
calledSetFocusOnce = false;
if (keepFocusOnTextFlow) {
在 TextFlow 上启用 Squiggly 后,删除键和箭头键停止工作。如果我四处点击或切换应用程序并切换回来,它有时会再次开始工作。如果我根本不使用 Squiggly,删除键和箭头键将按预期工作。
这是我用来启用 Squiggly 的代码:
var locale:String = "en_US";
SpellUIForTLF.enableSpelling(myTextFlow, locale);
看起来像是 TLF 或 SpellUIForTLF class 的错误。在 SpellUIForTLF class 中有一个方法 "doSpellingJob" 被调用。在此调用之后,您需要重新选择文本流中的选择。
// From customized SpellUIForTLF.as class
public function doSpellingJob():void
if (_spellingEnabled == false) return;
for (var idx:int = 0; idx < mTextFlow.flowComposer.numControllers; idx++)
var testController:ContainerController = mTextFlow.flowComposer.getControllerAt(idx);
//if (getValidFirstWordIndexTLF(testController) != -1)
spellCheckRangeTLF(getValidFirstWordIndexTLF(testController), getValidLastWordIndexTLF(testController));
if (hasEventListener(Event.COMPLETE)) {
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE));
if (keepFocusOnTextFlow && !calledSetFocusOnce) {
calledSetFocusOnce = true;
public function setFocusOnTextFlowContainer():void {
//trace("Setting focus on textflow");
var testController:ContainerController;
if (mTextFlow.flowComposer) {
if (mTextFlow.flowComposer.numControllers) {
testController = mTextFlow.flowComposer.getControllerAt(0);
FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.stage.focus = null;
if (testController) {
FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.stage.focus = testController.container;
if (mTextFlow.interactionManager) {
var selectionState:SelectionState = mTextFlow.interactionManager.getSelectionState();
mTextFlow.interactionManager.selectRange(selectionState.anchorPosition, selectionState.activePosition);
* Sets the focus on the first container controller on the first composition complete.
* This is to fix a bug in some situations where the delete and arrow keys do not
* work after spell checking has been enabled before the text flow composition
* has completed. Usually there is also a delay with editing the first time the dictionary loads.
* */
public static var keepFocusOnTextFlow:Boolean;
public static var calledSetFocusOnce:Boolean;
public function SpellUIForTLF(textModel:TextFlow, lang:String)
calledSetFocusOnce = false;
if (keepFocusOnTextFlow) {