haml 标记中的非法元素错误

Illegal element error in haml markup

我在代码笔中有一段 haml 标记。我不断收到此错误,不知道应该更改什么。

错误消息是:"Illegal element: classes and ids must have values."


  %h1.address_box-title submit your doggo
  %h3.metadata.author by john kazzatspy
  %h4.metadata.date-published april 09

      .description fdjsnajfdnsjk fjsanskjfn

  %button.ui.button.primary kjkljklj
    %p.content This is a slice of text that I'm serving up to you as a placeholder for all the fabulous content that will be putting in here later.


该错误来自您文件中的第 10 行:


最后的 . 导致 Haml 为这个元素寻找另一个 class,但是有 none.

您可能只需要删除 .:
