PostgreSQL age() 函数: different/unexpected 在不同月份登陆时的结果

PostgreSQL age() function: different/unexpected results when landing in dfferent month

今天,我在 PostgreSQL 9.6 中遇到无法解释的结果,而 运行 这个查询:

SELECT age('2018-06-30','2018-05-19') AS one,
       age('2018-07-01','2018-05-20') AS two; 

两列的预期结果:1 mon 11 days。但是,仅在 2018-05-19 到 2018-06-30 期间,我得到了我的期望,而对于 2018-05-20 到 2018-07-01,我会多一天:1 mon 12 days

我不明白为什么会这样,据我了解,2018-05-20 2018-07-01 之间只是 1 mon 11 days 的间隔,这里的 Postgres 结果是错误的。

我找不到任何关于 PostgreSQL-age(timestamp,timestamp) 函数究竟如何工作的深入信息。但是,我假设该函数执行类似的操作:从开始日期开始,以月份为单位向前移动,直到到达结束月份。从那里,转到结束日期的那一天。总结月和日。


从 2018-05-19 开始。前进一个月。登陆时间为 2018-06-19。向前走 N 天,直到您到达 2018-06-30:

1 day: 20
2 days: 21
3 days: 22
4 days: 23
5 days: 24
6 days: 25
7 days: 26
8 days: 27
9 days: 28
10 days: 29
11 days: 30

= 1 month 11 days.


从 2018-05-20 开始。前进一个月。登陆时间为 2018-06-20。向前走 N 天,直到您到达 2018-07-01:

1 day: 21
2 days: 22
3 days: 23
4 days: 24
5 days: 25
6 days: 26
7 days: 27
8 days: 28
9 days: 29
10 days: 30
11 days: 1

= 1 month 11 days.

这是我的错误还是 PostgreSQL 的错误? 是否有替代方案 functions/algorithms 以我 described/expect 的方式工作?

上述意外行为不是因为 age() 。但是由于允许计算的区间数据类型。下面 link 包含必要的解释。

Odd month arithmetic



/* timestamptz_age()
 * Calculate time difference while retaining year/month fields.
 * Note that this does not result in an accurate absolute time span
 *  since year and month are out of context once the arithmetic
 *  is done.

代码首先将参数转换为struct pg_tm变量tm1tm2struct pg_tm类似于C库的struct tm,但有额外的时区字段),然后计算每个字段的差异 tm

age('2018-07-01','2018-05-20') 的情况下,该差异的相关字段如下所示:

tm_mday = -19
tm_mon  =   2
tm_year =   0

现在调整负字段。对于 tm_mday,代码如下所示:

while (tm->tm_mday < 0)
    if (dt1 < dt2)
        tm->tm_mday += day_tab[isleap(tm1->tm_year)][tm1->tm_mon - 1];
        tm->tm_mday += day_tab[isleap(tm2->tm_year)][tm2->tm_mon - 1];

由于 dt1 > dt2,采用了 else 分支,代码添加了五月的天数 (31) 并将月份减去 1,以

tm_mday = 12
tm_mon  =  1
tm_year =  0



day_tab[isleap(tm1->tm_year)][(tm1->tm_mon + 10) % 12]




CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION age_forward ("endDate" date,"startDate" date) 
     RETURNS interval AS $$


     Basic approach: actually do a culculation like this:
     SELECT age('2018-07-01','2018-06-01') + ((30 - 20) + 1||' days')::interval;

     So, basically:
     (1) truncate start and end to month level, so always FIRST of month
     (2) add one month to the start month
     (3) calculate the days
     (4) add the days as string and build the interval

     The crucial part is 3: calculate the days

     We do it like this:
     - get the number of days for the month in question. The month in question is the month BEFORE the end month. For our example it is JUNE
     - subtract the start date day number from the number of days (here 20)
     - add the end date day number (here 1)



        /* First step: Check if the startDate day number is lower or equal the endDate day number.
           If this is the case: Do vanilla age(). Works perfectly here

        WHEN (date_part('day', "startDate" )::integer) <= date_part('day', "endDate" )::integer

        THEN age("endDate","startDate")

        /* Special case to treat here: startDate day number is greater than endDate day number. Do the algorithm described above */

        ELSE  age

                  date_trunc('month', "endDate"::date), /* Go just till month level, always using '1' as day */

                  date_trunc('month', "startDate"::date)
                  + '1 mons'::interval
                  /* Add one month so that interval to look for will become actually shorter for now. */

                     /* Calculate the last day of the month previous to the end month. See   */
                     (date_part('day',(date_trunc('month', (date_trunc('month', "endDate"::date) - '1 mons'::interval)  ) + interval '1 month' - interval '1 day')::date))::integer


                     /* endDate day number subtracted */
                     date_part('day', "startDate" )::integer

                   /* endDate day number added */
                   + date_part('day', "endDate" )::integer||' days'


$$ LANGUAGE sql;


间隔 mon 的问题在于它是一个移动目标。

例如,如果您 运行 这个:

    '2018-01-30'::date+interval'1 month' AS toomuch,    --  02-28
    '2018-01-19'::date+interval'1 month' AS jan,        --  02-19
    '2018-02-19'::date+interval'1 month' AS feb,        --  03-19
    '2018-03-19'::date+interval'1 month' AS mar,        --  … and so on…
    '2018-04-19'::date+interval'1 month' AS apr,
    '2018-05-19'::date+interval'1 month' AS may,
    '2018-06-19'::date+interval'1 month' AS jun


查看第一种情况,然后查看 toomuch 列,您还可以看到,这不仅仅是添加月份数字的情况,因为结果需要裁剪到月底。

因此,如果您 运行 原始问题的扩展版本:

    age('2018-06-30','2018-05-19') AS one,
    '2018-06-30'::date-'2018-05-19'::date AS oneminus,
    age('2018-07-01','2018-05-20') AS two,
    '2018-07-01'::date-'2018-05-20'::date AS twominus

您可以看到,虽然两种情况的差异是 42 天,但 1 mon 部分似乎使用了一个月的两个不同版本。


我还没有完全弄清楚它是如何在第一个实例中使用 31 天的月份,在第二个实例中使用 30 天的月份,但它显然与开始日期或结束日期有关。