
Privacy Policy for app

我有一个 android 应用程序快完成了,我想知道其中的一些事情: 1.First of,我从来没有接触过律师和法律,所以我需要和什么样的律师谈论一个应用程序的隐私政策? 2.I 需要隐私政策 URL 才能提交 Facebook 应用评论,但我还需要 google Play 商店,同样的隐私政策将适用于这两者,对吗? 3.My 应用程序从俱乐部和餐馆获取有关活动的数据并将它们放在地图上,这是否被视为收集用户数据? (我也在使用用户位置),我问这个是因为从我收集到的每个隐私政策都是不同的,这确实是其中的一个因素。 4.Are 那些像 termsfeed 这样生成隐私政策的网站好吗?或者我应该看看更专业的东西? 抱歉,如果这不是 post 的正确位置,希望一些应用程序开发人员已经经历过这个并且可以提供帮助。谢谢!

你被否决了,因为这个问题属于 StackExchenge 网络的法律部分。让我给你一些建议:

1.First of, i have never had much interaction with lawyers and law, so what kind of lawyer do i need to talk to about privacy policy for an app?


2.I need a privacy policy URL to submit a facebook app review, but i also need one for the google play store, the same privacy policy will apply to both of these right?


3.My app takes data about events from clubs and restaurants and puts them on a map, is this considered COLLECTING user data ?


(i am also using the user location),

我不知道这有什么关系,但地理定位绝对是相关的,并且在 Android 下属于危险权限(因此需要隐私政策)

i am asking this because from what I've gathered every privacy policy is different and this really factors in this.


4.Are those websites like termsfeed that generate a privacy policy ok ? Or should i look in to something more professional ?

让我给你一些建议。尝试轻松找到 provider/company 的地址,找到了吗?我不这么认为。我想你可能仅凭这一点就可以得出结论。

Sorry if this is not the right place to post this, hope some app developers have gone through this and can help. Thanks!

