Smalltalk 中子串的索引

Indices of a substring in Smalltalk

似乎 Smalltalk 实现错过了一个算法,该算法 return 字符串中子字符串的所有索引。最相似的 returns 只有一个元素的一个索引,例如:firstIndexesOf:in:, findSubstring:, findAnySubstring: variants。

but the first one relies on a Ruby hack, the second one does not work ignoring overlapping Strings and the last one uses an Enumerator class which I don't know how to translate to Smalltalk. I wonder if this Python implementation 是最好的开始方式,因为考虑了两种情况,重叠与否,并且不使用正则表达式。


'ABDCDEFBDAC' indicesOf: 'BD'. "#(2 8)"


'nnnn' indicesOf: 'nn' overlapping: true. "#(0 2)"


'nnnn' indicesOf 'nn' overlapping: false. "#(0 1 2)"

在 Pharo 中,当在 Playground 中选择文本时,扫描仪会检测子字符串并突出显示匹配项。但是我找不到这个的字符串实现。

到目前为止,我的最大努力在 String (Pharo 6) 中实现了这个实现:

indicesOfSubstring: subString
  | indices i |

  indices := OrderedCollection new: self size.
  i := 0.
  [ (i := self findString: subString startingAt: i + 1) > 0 ] whileTrue: [
    indices addLast: i ].
  ^ indices

首先让我澄清一下,Smalltalk 集合是基于 1 的,而不是基于 0 的。因此你的例子应该是

'nnnn' indexesOf: 'nn' overlapping: false. "#(1 3)"
'nnnn' indexesOf: 'nn' overlapping: true. "#(1 2 3)"

请注意,我也注意到了@lurker 的观察(并且也调整了选择器)。


indexesOfSubstring: subString overlapping: aBoolean
  | n indexes i |
  n := subString size.
  indexes := OrderedCollection new.                            "removed the size"
  i := 1.                                                      "1-based"
    i := self findString: subString startingAt: i.             "split condition"
    i > 0]
  whileTrue: [
    indexes add: i.                                            "add: = addLast:"
    i := aBoolean ifTrue: [i + 1] ifFalse: [i + n]].           "new!"



如果您能告诉我们您需要在 "greater picture" 中实现什么,那也很好。有时 Smalltalk 会提供不同的方法。

Leandro 比我先写了代码(他的代码效率更高),但我已经写好了,所以我也来分享一下。听取他关于 Smalltalk 基于 1 => 重写示例的建议。

示例中我使用了 Smalltalk/X 和 Pharo 6.1。


indexesOfSubstring: substringToFind overlapping: aBoolean

    | substringPositions aPosition currentPosition |

    substringPositions := OrderedSet new. "with overlap on you could get multiple same 
              positions in the result when there is more to find in the source string"

    substringToFindSize := substringToFind size. "speed up for large strings"
    aPosition := 1.

    [ self size > aPosition ] whileTrue: [
        currentPosition := self findString: substringToFind startingAt: aPosition.
        (currentPosition = 0) ifTrue: [ aPosition := self size + 1 ] "ends the loop substringToFind is not found"
                             ifFalse: [
                                 substringPositions add: currentPosition.
                                 aBoolean ifTrue: [ aPosition := aPosition + 1 ] "overlapping is on"
                                         ifFalse: [ aPosition := currentPosition + substringToFindSize ] "overlapping is off"

    ^ substringPositions
