在 Alexa SSML 中调整 rate/pitch 的问题

Problems in adjusting rate/pitch in Alexa SSML

我试图通过以下方式调整 Alexa 的说话速度和音调:

outputSpeech: {
            type: "SSML",
            ssml: "<speak><prosody pitch="+50%">higher pitch</prosody></speak>"

执行结果成功,但是我注意到了"ssml": "<speak><prosody pitch=NaN" 当我去模拟器测试时,Alexa 响应 There was a problem with the requested skill's response


ssml: "<speak><prosody rate="150%">faster pace</prosody></speak>"

执行结果失败: "SyntaxError: Unexpected number",

你能尝试使用这个 \"

转义 prosody 标签属性中的双引号吗
"<speak><prosody pitch=\"+50%\">higher pitch</prosody></speak>"


  const speechOutput = '<speak><prosody pitch="+50%">higher pitch</prosody></speak>';
      return handlerInput.responseBuilder