AVCaptureDeviceType 在 iPad Objective-C 上崩溃
AVCaptureDeviceType crashing on iPad Obejective-C
NSArray<AVCaptureDeviceType> *deviceTypes = @[AVCaptureDeviceTypeBuiltInWideAngleCamera, AVCaptureDeviceTypeBuiltInDualCamera];
附上堆栈跟踪截图。 Stack Trace Screeshot
参考 link below.This 解决了我在低 iOS 版本的 iPad 上相机崩溃的问题。
Also make sure where your app is crashing.
If it is Crashing because of core data(NSPersistentContainer) on lower versions of iOS, try using: INSPersistentContainer instead.
NSArray<AVCaptureDeviceType> *deviceTypes = @[AVCaptureDeviceTypeBuiltInWideAngleCamera, AVCaptureDeviceTypeBuiltInDualCamera];
附上堆栈跟踪截图。 Stack Trace Screeshot
参考 link below.This 解决了我在低 iOS 版本的 iPad 上相机崩溃的问题。
Also make sure where your app is crashing. If it is Crashing because of core data(NSPersistentContainer) on lower versions of iOS, try using: INSPersistentContainer instead.