如何在 C# 中取消选中 FindByText 后的复选框列表项?

How to uncheck any checkbox ListItem After FindByText in C#?


到目前为止,我正在查找哪个复选框列表包含该复选框并且它正在运行。 但我不知道如何取消选中包含该文本的项目。


if (listboxControl.SelectedIndex > 0)
    string na = listboxControl.SelectedItem.Text;
    var cb1 = CheckBoxList1.Items.FindByText(na);
    var cb2 = CheckBoxList2.Items.FindByText(na);
    var cb3 = CheckBoxList3.Items.FindByText(na);
    if (cb1 != null) 
           //here how i can Uncheck That Item        
    else if (cb2 != null)
           //here how i can Uncheck That Item 
    else if (cb3 != null)
           //here how i can Uncheck That Item 


The method CheckBoxList1.Items.FindByText() will search the collection for a ListItem with a Text property that equals text specified by the text parameter. This method performs a case-sensitive and culture-insensitive comparison. This method does not do partial searches or wildcard searches. If an item is not found in the collection using these criteria, null is returned.

因此,此方法的return值将是必需项或null,如果不是null则可以使用Selected 属性来check/uncheck 项目。

if (cb1 != null) 
   cb1.Selected = false;