Plivo:消息未发送到我的 plivo 号码
Plivo: message not delivering to my plivo number
当我尝试向我的 plivo 号码发送消息时,它显示以下错误
"this caller id is not allowed for outbound message"
确保您使用在 Plivo 上购买的正确 Plivo 号码,并选中 "SMS" 选项,因为:
* src: '***********' number in your script.
** dst: '***********'
所以它看起来像这样(取决于脚本语言,这是 php):
import plivo
auth_id = 'asdaksdbkasjhfsadk'
auth_token = 'asdsadsadasdsadasdadsadaasdadasdasda'
client = plivo.RestClient(auth_id, auth_token)
message_created = client.messages.create(
src = 'plivo number from *'
dst = 'plivo number from **'
txt = 'message you want to send'
当我尝试向我的 plivo 号码发送消息时,它显示以下错误
"this caller id is not allowed for outbound message"
确保您使用在 Plivo 上购买的正确 Plivo 号码,并选中 "SMS" 选项,因为:
* src: '***********' number in your script.
** dst: '***********'
所以它看起来像这样(取决于脚本语言,这是 php):
import plivo
auth_id = 'asdaksdbkasjhfsadk'
auth_token = 'asdsadsadasdsadasdadsadaasdadasdasda'
client = plivo.RestClient(auth_id, auth_token)
message_created = client.messages.create(
src = 'plivo number from *'
dst = 'plivo number from **'
txt = 'message you want to send'