临时表存储在 GreenPlum 数据库的什么位置?

Where do temporary tables get stored in a GreenPlum database?

在 MS SQL 服务器中临时 table 存储在 tempdb Database

GreenPlum 中是否有类似的临时 table 特殊位置?或者临时 table 只是存储在我进行正常交易的当前数据库和架构中?

Greenplum 中的临时 tables 存储在创建它们的数据库中,但存储在一个临时模式中,该模式在创建 table 的会话期间存在。

[gpadmin@mdw:~] $ createdb temp
[gpadmin@mdw:~] $ psql temp
temp=# create temporary table test_temp(a int) distributed by (a);
    Time: 50.516 ms
    temp=# \d
                     List of relations
       Schema   |   Name    | Type  |  Owner  | Storage
     pg_temp_11 | test_temp | table | gpadmin | heap
    (1 row)

temp=# \dn
       List of schemas
        Name        |  Owner
 gp_toolkit         | gpadmin
 information_schema | gpadmin
 pg_aoseg           | gpadmin
 pg_bitmapindex     | gpadmin
 pg_catalog         | gpadmin
 pg_temp_11         | gpadmin
 pg_toast           | gpadmin
 pg_toast_temp_11   | gpadmin
 public             | gpadmin
(9 rows)


temp=# \q

[gpadmin@mdw:~] $ psql temp
Timing is on.
psql (8.3.23)
Type "help" for help.

temp=# \d
No relations found.
temp=# \dn
       List of schemas
        Name        |  Owner
 gp_toolkit         | gpadmin
 information_schema | gpadmin
 pg_aoseg           | gpadmin
 pg_bitmapindex     | gpadmin
 pg_catalog         | gpadmin
 pg_toast           | gpadmin
 public             | gpadmin
(7 rows)

