类型转换,'initializing':无法从 'HtmlBuilder *' 转换为 'HtmlElement'
Type conversion, 'initializing': cannot convert from 'HtmlBuilder *' to 'HtmlElement'
我试图按照教程进行操作,但在为 unique_ptr 实施流畅的构建器时也遇到了困难。
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <memory>
using namespace std;
class HtmlBuilder;
struct HtmlElement
string name;
string text;
vector<HtmlElement> elements;
const size_t indent_size = 2;
HtmlElement() {}
HtmlElement(const string& name, const string& text) : name{ name }, text{ text }
string str(int indent = 0) const // it is a const because it doesn't change the inner elements of htmlelement
ostringstream oss;
string i(indent_size * indent, ' '); // repeating a character as many times as required.
oss << i << "<" << name << ">" << endl;
if (text.size() > 0)
oss << string(indent_size * (indent + 1), ' ') << text << endl;
// recursive call
for (const auto& e : elements)
oss << e.str(indent + 1);
oss << i << "</" << name << ">" << endl;
return oss.str();
static HtmlBuilder build(string root_name);
static unique_ptr<HtmlBuilder> create(string root_name);
struct HtmlBuilder
HtmlBuilder(string root_name)
root.name = root_name;
HtmlElement root; // we can not do anything without root
HtmlBuilder& add_child(string child_name, string child_text)
HtmlElement e{ child_name, child_text };
// it is a reference
return *this;
HtmlBuilder* add_child2(string child_name, string child_text)
HtmlElement e{ child_name, child_text };
// emplace_back will return a reference to element that was just created in the vector where as push_back does not return anything, so you could preform some chaining if you wanted
// it is a pointer
return this;
string str() const {
return root.str();
// let's you convert the builder to htmlelement.
// automatic conversion.
// it wil be converted only after the chaining has finished.
operator HtmlElement() { return root; }
/*B& operator= (const A& x) { return *this; }*/
//operator unique_ptr<HtmlElement>() {
// return root;
// it had to be pasted here after definition of HtmlBuilder
HtmlBuilder HtmlElement::build(string root_name)
// it will get automatically converted to a html element due to
// automatic conversion.
return HtmlBuilder{ root_name };
unique_ptr<HtmlBuilder> HtmlElement::create(string root_name) {
return make_unique<HtmlBuilder>(root_name);
// Basically we want to create builder from HtmlElement itself
// and be able to add childs as many as we want and at the end
// it will still return an HtmlElement due to automatic conversion
// in this way we hide builder completely
int main()
HtmlBuilder builder{ "ul" };
builder.add_child("li", "hello")
.add_child("li", "world");
//HtmlElement e = builder;
// important: automatic conversion occurs only at the end, if the object itself is returned.
HtmlElement e = HtmlElement::build("ul").add_child("li", "test").add_child("li", "test2");
HtmlElement ee = HtmlElement::create("ul")->add_child2("li", "test")->add_child2("li", "test2");
cout << e.str() << endl;
return 0;
HtmlElement::create("ul")->add_child2("li", "test")->add_child2("li", "test2");
它抛出了上面解释的错误。它说不能从 'HtmlBuilder *' 转换为 'HtmlElement'。尝试了几种解决方案,但我是 C++ 的初学者,到目前为止还没有设法修复它。
您有一个 operator()
可以从 HtmlBuilder 转换为 HtmlElement,但不能从 HtmBuilder* 转换为 HtmlElement。这就是 build() 行和 create() 行之间的区别。
因此您必须取消引用 create()->add_child2() 行返回的指针。
HtmlElement ee = *(HtmlElement::create("ul")->add_child2("li", "test")->add_child2("li", "test2"));
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我试图按照教程进行操作,但在为 unique_ptr 实施流畅的构建器时也遇到了困难。 尽管知道这是一个类型转换问题,但在检查文档后我还是找不到合适的修复方法。
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <memory>
using namespace std;
class HtmlBuilder;
struct HtmlElement
string name;
string text;
vector<HtmlElement> elements;
const size_t indent_size = 2;
HtmlElement() {}
HtmlElement(const string& name, const string& text) : name{ name }, text{ text }
string str(int indent = 0) const // it is a const because it doesn't change the inner elements of htmlelement
ostringstream oss;
string i(indent_size * indent, ' '); // repeating a character as many times as required.
oss << i << "<" << name << ">" << endl;
if (text.size() > 0)
oss << string(indent_size * (indent + 1), ' ') << text << endl;
// recursive call
for (const auto& e : elements)
oss << e.str(indent + 1);
oss << i << "</" << name << ">" << endl;
return oss.str();
static HtmlBuilder build(string root_name);
static unique_ptr<HtmlBuilder> create(string root_name);
struct HtmlBuilder
HtmlBuilder(string root_name)
root.name = root_name;
HtmlElement root; // we can not do anything without root
HtmlBuilder& add_child(string child_name, string child_text)
HtmlElement e{ child_name, child_text };
// it is a reference
return *this;
HtmlBuilder* add_child2(string child_name, string child_text)
HtmlElement e{ child_name, child_text };
// emplace_back will return a reference to element that was just created in the vector where as push_back does not return anything, so you could preform some chaining if you wanted
// it is a pointer
return this;
string str() const {
return root.str();
// let's you convert the builder to htmlelement.
// automatic conversion.
// it wil be converted only after the chaining has finished.
operator HtmlElement() { return root; }
/*B& operator= (const A& x) { return *this; }*/
//operator unique_ptr<HtmlElement>() {
// return root;
// it had to be pasted here after definition of HtmlBuilder
HtmlBuilder HtmlElement::build(string root_name)
// it will get automatically converted to a html element due to
// automatic conversion.
return HtmlBuilder{ root_name };
unique_ptr<HtmlBuilder> HtmlElement::create(string root_name) {
return make_unique<HtmlBuilder>(root_name);
// Basically we want to create builder from HtmlElement itself
// and be able to add childs as many as we want and at the end
// it will still return an HtmlElement due to automatic conversion
// in this way we hide builder completely
int main()
HtmlBuilder builder{ "ul" };
builder.add_child("li", "hello")
.add_child("li", "world");
//HtmlElement e = builder;
// important: automatic conversion occurs only at the end, if the object itself is returned.
HtmlElement e = HtmlElement::build("ul").add_child("li", "test").add_child("li", "test2");
HtmlElement ee = HtmlElement::create("ul")->add_child2("li", "test")->add_child2("li", "test2");
cout << e.str() << endl;
return 0;
HtmlElement::create("ul")->add_child2("li", "test")->add_child2("li", "test2");
它抛出了上面解释的错误。它说不能从 'HtmlBuilder *' 转换为 'HtmlElement'。尝试了几种解决方案,但我是 C++ 的初学者,到目前为止还没有设法修复它。
您有一个 operator()
可以从 HtmlBuilder 转换为 HtmlElement,但不能从 HtmBuilder* 转换为 HtmlElement。这就是 build() 行和 create() 行之间的区别。
因此您必须取消引用 create()->add_child2() 行返回的指针。
HtmlElement ee = *(HtmlElement::create("ul")->add_child2("li", "test")->add_child2("li", "test2"));
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