反转 Python 中的任意切片

Reversing an arbitrary slice in Python

我正在寻找一种关于如何在 Python 中反转切片的通用方法。 我阅读了这篇综合文章 post,其中对切片的工作原理有几个很好的解释: Understanding Python's slice notation


我正在寻找的是一种方法 reversed_slice,它可以像这样使用任意 startstopstep 值,包括负值:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = np.arange(30)
>>> s = np.s_[10:20:2]
>>> a[s]
array([10, 12, 14, 16, 18])
>>> a[reversed_slice(s,len(a))]
array([18, 16, 14, 12, 10])


def reversed_slice(slice_, len_):
    Reverses a slice (selection in array of length len_), 
    addressing the same elements in reverse order.
    assert isinstance(slice_, slice)
    instart, instop, instep = slice_.indices(len_)
    if instep > 0:
        start, stop, step = instop - 1, instart - 1, -instep
        start, stop, step = instop + 1, instart + 1, -instep
    return slice(start, stop, step)

这对于 1 的步骤以及当最后一个寻址元素与 stop-1 一致时效果很好。对于其他情况,它不会:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = np.arange(30)
>>> s = np.s_[10:20:2]
>>> a[s]
array([10, 12, 14, 16, 18])
>>> a[reversed_slice(s,len(a))]
array([19, 17, 15, 13, 11])

所以我似乎遗漏了一些关系,例如 (stop - start) % step。 非常感谢任何有关如何编写通用方法的帮助。


您可以为 step 指定负值。

>>> s = np.s_[20-2:10-2:-2]
>>> a[s]
array([18, 16, 14, 12, 10])

因此您可以按如下方式构建 reversed_slice 函数

>>> def reversed_slice(s):
...     """
...     Reverses a slice 
...     """
...     m = (s.stop-s.start) % s.step or s.step
...     return slice(s.stop-m, s.start-m, -s.step)
>>> a = np.arange(30)
>>> s = np.s_[10:20:2]
>>> a[reversed_slice(s)]
array([18, 16, 14, 12, 10])
>>> a[reversed_slice(reversed_slice(s))]
array([10, 12, 14, 16, 18])

你在 start/stop 数学上犯了一些错误:

overstep = abs(instop-instart) % abs(instep)
if overstep == 0 :
    overstep = abs(instep)

if instep > 0:
    start = instop - overstep
    stop = instart - 1
else :
    start = instop + overstep
    stop = instart + 1

step = -instep


到目前为止,我也没有找到任何 内置函数 ,但即使是负步骤也能起作用:

def invert_slice(start, stop, step=1):
    distance = stop - start
    step_distance = distance // step
    expected_distance = step_distance * step

    if expected_distance != distance:
        expected_distance += step

    new_start = start + expected_distance - step
    new_stop = start - step

    return slice(new_start, new_stop, -step)


>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = np.arange(30)
>>> s = np.s_[24:10:-1]
>>> expected = list(reversed(a[s]))

[18, 16, 14, 12, 10]

>>> # resulting slice
>>> result = invert_slice(s.start, s.stop, s.step)

切片(18, 8, -2)

>>> assert np.allclose(expected, a[result]), "Invalid Slice %s" % result
>>> a[result]

[18 16 14 12 10] 他们是平等的 ;-)

我根据 Sunitha 的回答找到了一个可行的解决方案(编辑:也实现了 Warwick 的回答):

def reversed_slice(s, len_):
    Reverses a slice selection on a sequence of length len_, 
    addressing the same elements in reverse order.
    assert isinstance(s, slice)
    instart, instop, instep = s.indices(len_)

    if (instop < instart and instep > 0) or (instop > instart and instep < 0) \
            or (instop == 0 and instart == 0):
        return slice(0, 0, None)

    m = (instop - instart) % instep or instep

    if instep > 0 and instart - m < 0:
        outstop = None
        outstop = instart - m
    if instep < 0 and instop - m > len_:
        outstart = None
        outstart = instop - m

    return slice(outstart, outstop, -instep)

它使用 slice.indices(len) 方法来扩展功能,因此它也可以与切片中的 None 条目一起使用,例如[::-1]if 子句避免了边界问题。



从其他答案发展而来的 reversed_slice 函数的以下定义似乎正确地涵盖了这些情况 -

def reversed_slice(s, len_):
    Reverses a slice selection on a sequence of length len_, 
    addressing the same elements in reverse order.
    assert isinstance(s, slice)
    instart, instop, instep = s.indices(len_)

    if (instop < instart and instep > 0) or (instop > instart and instep < 0) \
      or (instop == 0 and instart == 0) :
        return slice(0,0,None)

    overstep = abs(instop-instart) % abs(instep)

    if overstep == 0 :
        overstep = abs(instep)

    if instep > 0:
        start = instop - overstep
        stop = instart - 1
    else :
        start = instop + overstep
        stop = instart + 1

    if stop < 0 :
        stop = None

    return slice(start, stop, -instep)