如何正确安排 while 函数被中断并调用另一个函数

How to properly schedule while function to be interrupted and another function called

我有一个几乎 24/7 全天候运行的脚本。我希望它每天被适当地打断几次。

from time import sleep

def function_one():
    while True:
        print("I'm working 24/7 and doing some important stuff here!")
        print("Very important!")

def function_two():
    print("I just need to do my job once, however, function_one should be stopped while i'm working!")    

我希望 function_one 每 3 小时被中断一次(在循环之间),然后 function_two 被调用一次,然后 function_one 应该继续工作。


from time import sleep, time

def function_one():
    print("I'm working 24/7 and doing some important stuff here!")
    print("Very important!")

def function_two():
    print("I just need to do my job once, however, function_one should be stopped while i'm working!")    

def function_three():
    last_call = time()
    while True:
        if time.time() - last_call > 3 hours:
            last_call = time()
            function_two()  # function_one is not running during the execution of function_two


为什么不将对函数 2 的调用放在函数 1 本身中。这样它会等到函数 2 运行 恢复函数 1。像这样:

from __future__ import generators
from time import sleep
import time

def function_one():
    while True:
        print("I'm working 24/7 and doing some important stuff here!")
        print("Very important!")
        #First bit checks whether the hour is divisible by 3 (every 3 hours)
                                                #This bit checks that the minute and seconds combined are the first 5 seconds of the hour
        if int(time.strftime("%H"))%3 == 0 and int(time.strftime("%M%S")) < 6:
            #Calls function 2 and won't resume until function 2 is finished
            print("That was the 2 second wait from function 2")

def function_two():
    print("I just need to do my job once, however, function_one should be stopped while i'm working!")

