使用 pandas 和 python 写入数据帧

using pandas with python to write to a dataframe

import pandas as pd
import re
import numpy as np

data= [['Empty','CMI-General Liability | 05-9362','Empty','Empty'],['Empty','Central Operations','Empty','Empty'],['Empty','Alarm Central 05-8642','Empty','Empty'],['Empty','Market 466','Empty','Empty'],['Empty','Talent, Experience','Empty','Empty'],['Empty','Food Division','Empty','Empty'],['Empty','Quality WMCC','Empty','Empty'],['Empty','Modular Execution Team | 01-9700','Empty','Empty'],['Empty','US Central Operations','Empty','Empty'],['Empty','CE - Engineering - US','Empty','Empty'],['Empty','Fresh, Freezer & Cooler - 18-8110','Empty','Empty'],['Empty','9701','Empty','Empty'],['Empty','Contact Center','Empty','Empty'],['Empty','Central Operations','Empty','Empty'],['Empty','US Central Operations','Empty','Empty'],['Empty','Private Brands GM - 01-8683','Empty','Empty']]
data5 = [[1,'TRUCKING, MARCY, NY','Empty','Empty'],[2,'TRUCKING-GREENVILLE,TN','Empty','Empty'],[3,'DC 40, HOPE MILLS, NC','Empty','Empty'],[4,'TRUCKING, SHARON SPRINGS','Empty','Empty'],[5,'DISP PAULS VALLEY OK FDC','Empty','Empty'],[6,'COLDWATER, MI','Empty','Empty'],[7,'AMERICOLD LOGISTICS','Empty','Empty'],[8,'DFW3N FORT WORTH FC WHS.COM','Empty','Empty'],[9,'PCCC CURRENTLY BEING REVIEWED','Empty','Empty'],[466,'Springfield, MO','Empty','Empty'],[8110,'Fresh Dept','Empty','Empty'],[8642,'Security','Security & Compliance','Empty'],[8683,'General Merchandise','Empty','Empty'],[9362,'General Liability','Empty','Empty'],[9700,'Execution Team','Empty','Empty'],[9701,'Produce TN','Empty','Empty']]


是数据帧 2

JobTitle    Department                   TrueDepartment    Dept_Function

            CMI-General Liability | 05-9362     
            Central Operations      
            Alarm Central 05-8642       
            Market 466      
            Talent, Experience      
            Food Division       
            Quality WMCC        
            Modular Execution Team | 01-9700        
            US Central Operations       
            CE - Engineering - US       
            Fresh, Freezer & Cooler - 18-8110       
            Contact Center      
            Central Operations      
            US Central Operations       
            Private Brands GM - 01-8683          

df5 是 dataframe5

Dept_Nbr    Dept_Desc_good                Dept_Desc_better     Dept_Abrv
1           TRUCKING, MARCY, NY                     
2           TRUCKING-GREENVILLE,TN              
3           DC 40, HOPE MILLS, NC                   
4           TRUCKING, SHARON SPRINGS            
5           DISP PAULS VALLEY OK FDC            
6           COLDWATER, MI                       
7           AMERICOLD LOGISTICS           
8           DFW3N FORT WORTH FC - WHS.COM       
466         Springfield, MO     
8110        Fresh Dept      
8642        Security                      Security & Compliance 
8683        General Merchandise                                    
9362        General Liability       
9700        Execution Team      
9701        Produce TN      

运行 代码

JobTitle Department                         TrueDepartment  

         CMI-General Liability | 05-9362    General Liability   
         Central Operations     
         Alarm Central 05-8642              Security & Compliance   
         Market 466     
         Talent, Experience     
         Food Division      
         Quality WMCC       
         Modular Execution Team | 01-9700   Execution Team  
         US Central Operations      
         CE - Engineering - US      
         Fresh, Freezer & Cooler - 18-8110  Fresh Dept  
         9701                               Produce TN  
         Contact Center     
         Central Operations     
         US Central Operations      
         Private Brands GM - 01-8683        General Merchandise     


import pandas as pd
import re

numbers = df5['Dept_Nbr'].tolist()
df5['Dept_Nbr'] = [int(i) for i in df5['Dept_Nbr']]
for n in numbers:
    for i in df5.index:
        if n in df2.loc[i, 'Department']:
            if df5.at[int(n), 'Dept_Desc_better']: #if values exists
                df2.at[i, 'TrueDepartment'] = df5.at(int(n), 'Dept_Desc_better')
                df2.at[i, 'TrueDepartment'] = df5.at(int(n), 'Dept_Desc_good')

获取错误类型错误:'in ' 需要字符串作为左操作数,而不是 int'
我想我应该尝试将 n 更改为字符串类型?

此外,我还必须弄清楚如何在 df2 的 "Department" 列中找到子字符串,该子字符串要么跟在连字符后面,要么是单元格中唯一的数字(即 9701) .我可能需要为此使用正则表达式 (re)。对于 df2 中的第一个部门,它将找到字符串“9362”并将其与 df5 中的 Dept_Nbr 匹配,并将 "General Liability" 写入 TrueDepartment 列。 df5 实际上有 Dept_Nbr 从 1 到超过 10000 的连续数。


KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/base.py in 
get_loc(self, key, method, tolerance)
   3062             try:
-> 3063                 return self._engine.get_loc(key)
   3064             except KeyError:

pandas/_libs/index.pyx in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc()

pandas/_libs/index.pyx in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc()

pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi in 

pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi in 

KeyError: 'Dept_Nbr'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-14-89dd44993593> in <module>()
----> 1 numbers = df5['Dept_Nbr'].tolist()
      2 df5['Dept_Nbr'] = [int(i) for i in df5['Dept_Nbr']]
      3 df5 = df5.set_index('Dept_Nbr')  #<-- need to actually set df5 to the new index
      5 for n in numbers:

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/frame.py in 
__getitem__(self, key)
   2683             return self._getitem_multilevel(key)
   2684         else:
-> 2685             return self._getitem_column(key)
   2687     def _getitem_column(self, key):

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/frame.py in 
_getitem_column(self, key)
   2690         # get column
   2691         if self.columns.is_unique:
-> 2692             return self._get_item_cache(key)
   2694         # duplicate columns & possible reduce dimensionality

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/generic.py in 
_get_item_cache(self, item)
   2484         res = cache.get(item)
   2485         if res is None:
-> 2486             values = self._data.get(item)
   2487             res = self._box_item_values(item, values)
   2488             cache[item] = res

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/internals.py in get(self, item, fastpath)
   4114             if not isna(item):
-> 4115                 loc = self.items.get_loc(item)
   4116             else:
   4117                 indexer = np.arange(len(self.items))[isna(self.items)]

~/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/base.py in get_loc(self, key, method, tolerance)
   3063                 return self._engine.get_loc(key)
   3064             except KeyError:
-> 3065                 return self._engine.get_loc(self._maybe_cast_indexer(key))
   3067         indexer = self.get_indexer([key], method=method, tolerance=tolerance)

pandas/_libs/index.pyx in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc()

pandas/_libs/index.pyx in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc()

pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi in 

pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi in 

KeyError: 'Dept_Nbr'

首先 - 您上面的数据框与您的数据框构造不匹配。我花了很长时间才弄明白为什么 9362 != 9362 :-)


numbers = df5['Dept_Nbr'].tolist()
df5['Dept_Nbr'] = [int(i) for i in df5['Dept_Nbr']]
df5 = df5.set_index('Dept_Nbr')  #<-- need to actually set df5 to the new index

for n in numbers:
    for i in range(len(df5.index)):  #<-- you want to iterate through the number of elements not the elements themselves
        if str(n) == df2.loc[i, 'Department'][-4:]: #<-- convert n to str and slice df2 string for the last 4 chars
            if df5.loc[n, 'Dept_Desc_better'] != "Empty":  #<-- you're actually checking against a string, not a NaN
                df2.loc[i, 'TrueDepartment'] = df5.loc[n, 'Dept_Desc_better']  #<-- use .loc not .at
                df2.loc[i, 'TrueDepartment'] = df5.loc[n, 'Dept_Desc_good']

df2 = df2.replace(to_replace="Empty", value="")   #<-- your desired output has '' rather than 'Empty' - so replaced.

假设 Department 下的 df2 描述始终以 Dept_Nbr 结尾,并且其长度始终为 4 个字符。这是输出:


   JobTitle                         Department         TrueDepartment  Dept_Function
0              CMI-General Liability | 05-9632
1                           Central Operations
2                        Alarm Central 05-8642  Security & Compliance
3                                   Market 466
4                           Talent, Experience
5                                Food Division
6                                 Quality WMCC
7             Modular Execution Team | 01-9700         Execution Team
8                        US Central Operations
9                        CE - Engineering - US
10           Fresh, Freezer & Cooler - 18-8110             Fresh Dept
11                                        9701             Produce TN
12                              Contact Center
13                          Central Operations
14                       US Central Operations
15                 Private Brands GM - 01-8683    General Merchandise

顺便说一句 - 代码确实有效,索引行 0 中没有错误 - 这是您的数据帧不同的地方。我也尽可能多地保留了您的代码,但我猜想还有更好的迭代方法。