提交前验证文本框输入(用于 fasta 格式)

validate text box input (for fasta format) before submission

我想验证 HTML 页面上的文本框输入是否为 fasta 格式,以及它是否只包含一个序列,然后再提交数据。

我知道 PHP 但对 JavaScript 知之甚少。 我认为 php.



 * Validates (true/false) a single fasta sequence string
 * param   fasta    the string containing a putative single fasta sequence
 * returns boolean  true if string contains single fasta sequence, false 
 *                  otherwise 
function validateFasta(fasta) {

    if (!fasta) { // check there is something first of all
        return false;

    // immediately remove trailing spaces
    fasta = fasta.trim();

    // split on newlines... 
    var lines = fasta.split('\n');

    // check for header
    if (fasta[0] == '>') {
        // remove one line, starting at the first position
        lines.splice(0, 1);

    // join the array back into a single string without newlines and 
    // trailing or leading spaces
    fasta = lines.join('').trim();

    if (!fasta) { // is it empty whatever we collected ? re-check not efficient 
        return false;

    // note that the empty string is caught above
    // allow for Selenocysteine (U)
    return /^[ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTUVWY\s]+$/i.test(fasta);


但是请注意,您应该使用 php 在服务器端执行相同的检查。语言非常相似,php 提供您需要的一切。


-----java 脚本------

function validate(){

var seq = $("#protein_seq").val();

if (!seq) { 

 alert("No input"); 

// check there is something first of all
    return false;

seq = seq.trim();

// split on newlines... 
var lines = seq.split('\n');

// check for header
if (seq[0] == '>') {

    // remove one line, starting at the first position  
    lines.splice(0, 1);
 if (lines[0] ==undefined) {

   alert("Please enter amino acid sequence in second line"); 
else{ alert("First line should start with '>' and amino-acid sequence in next line. Please refer to example data");  
    //The seq string contains non-DNA characters
    return false;}

// join the array back into a single string without newlines and 
// trailing or leading spaces
seq = lines.join('').trim();

//Search for charaters that are not G, A, T or C.
if (seq.search(/[^ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTUVWY\s]/i) != -1) { 

    alert("Unspecified amino acid seq");  
    //The seq string contains non-protein characters
    return false;


----------html页数---------------------------- ------

 <form action="action.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" onSubmit="return validate()"><br><textarea align=center type="text"  id='protein_seq' name="protein_seq" row='80' cols='100'></textarea><br> 
<input id="button1" type="submit" class="myButton"  value="Submit" />