在这种情况下,如何正确实施 "operator=" 和 "copy c'tor"?

How can I implement "operator=" and "copy c'tor" correctly in this case?

鉴于 classes BaseClassSomeClass(实现 operator=copy c'tor),我写了以下 class:

class DerivedClass : public BaseClass {
 SomeClass* a1;
 SomeClass* a2;
 // constructors go here …
 ~DerivedClass() { delete a1; delete a2;}
 // other functions go here ...

我的问题是: 我如何实现 class DerivedClassoperator=?我如何实现这个 class 的 copy c'tor

我想通过以下方式实现 operator=

DerivedClass& operator=(const DerivedClass& d)  {
if (this==&d) return *this;
SomeClass* tmp1 = new SomeClass (*(d.a1));
SomeClass* tmp2 = NULL;
try {
tmp2 = new SomeClass(*(d.a2));
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
delete tmp1;
throw e;
delete this->a1;
delete this->a2;
this->a1 = tmp1;
this->a2 = tmp2;
return *this;


另外,如何实现DerivedClasscopy c'tor?我可以用 operator= 做吗?

我的建议是您不要实施它们,而是选择the rule of zero. That can be easily accomplished with e.g. std::shared_ptr(如果 a1a2 是可以接受的)。

但是如果您必须实现自己的复制构造函数和复制赋值运算符,那么您首先需要调用父 class 构造函数或运算符,然后再进行自己的复制。


DerivedClass(DerivedClass const& other)
    : BaseClass(other), a1(new SomeClass(*other.a1)), a2(new SomeClass(*other.a2))

a1(new SomeClass(*other.a1) 部分使用其复制构造函数创建一个新的 SomeClass 对象,并初始化您的成员 a1 以指向新对象。


DerivedClass& operator=(DerivedClass const& other)
    if (this != &other)
        // First let the parent copy itself

        // Deep copy of the members
        delete a1;
        a1 = new SomeClass(*other.a1);

        delete a2;
        a2 = new SomeClass(*other.a2);

    return *this;