
How to find, open, and refer to workbook with partial name

我正在尝试使用部分名称匹配来定位模板文件(全名 On-Call Audit Sheet VXX,其中 VXX 是版本),该文件是使用我正在编写的宏从当前工作簿更新的。

宏需要找到部分名称匹配的文件;如果找到则打开它并将工作簿定义为 wb1,如果未找到则 return 错误。下面的当前代码部分受 .


到目前为止,宏可以使用 FileSystemObject 找到并打开部分名称匹配的文件以获取当前文件夹路径,但我不知道如何定义 wb1部分名称匹配。

有没有办法在部分匹配成功后获取文件的全名,从而从中定义 wb1

Sub anotherTest()

    Dim fso As FileSystemObject
    Dim fldBase As Folder

    Dim wb1 As Workbook
    Dim ws1 As Worksheet

    Set fso = New FileSystemObject
    'determining current folder location based on where the dashboard file is
    Set fldBase = fso.GetFolder(ThisWorkbook.Path)

    For Each Item In fldBase.Files
        If InStr(Item.Name, "*Audit Sheet*") Then
            Workbooks.Open (fldBase & "\" & Item.Name) '<-- Open workbook
            Set wb1 = Workbooks(fldBase & "\" & Item.Name) '<-- set workbook to wb1, THIS BIT DOESNT WORK
            MsgBox "File not found" '<-- if not found exit sub after showing error
            Exit Sub
        End If

    'Rest of the macro

End Sub

您的代码目前的工作原理是只有一个文件与您的 *Audit Sheet* 模式相匹配。如果有2个或更多,那么它将全部打开,但最迟只打开wb1



Sub Test()

    Dim fldBase As String
    Dim filefound As String

    Dim wb1 As Workbook
    Dim ws1 As Worksheet

    fldBase = "C:\yourbasefolder"
    filefound = Dir(fldBase & "\" & "*Audit Sheet*.xlsm")

    If filefound = "" Then
        MsgBox "File not found" '<-- if not found exit sub after showing error
        Exit Sub
        Set wb1 = Workbooks.Open(fldBase & "\" & filefound)
    End If

    'Rest of the macro

End Sub