在 Python 中从 Freebase 中提取数据转储

Extract Data Dump From Freebase in Python

使用从 website 下载的数据转储 Freebase 三元组 (freebase-rdf-latest.gz),打开和读取此文件以提取信息的最佳过程是什么,比方说关于公司和企业的相关信息? (在Python)

据我所知,有一些包可以实现这个目标:在 python 中打开 gz 文件并读取 rdf 文件,我不确定如何完成这个...

我在 python 3.6 中的失败尝试:

import gzip

with gzip.open('freebase-rdf-latest.gz','r') as uncompressed_file:
       for line in uncompressed_file.read():

之后使用 xml 结构我可以通过解析它来获取信息,但我无法读取文件。

问题是 gzip 模块一次解压整个文件,将解压后的文件存储在内存中。对于这么大的文件,更实用的方法是一次一点点地解压文件,然后流式传输结果。

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import io
import zlib

def stream_unzipped_bytes(filename):
    Generator function, reads gzip file `filename` and yields
    uncompressed bytes.

    This function answers your original question, how to read the file,
    but its output is a generator of bytes so there's another function
    below to stream these bytes as text, one line at a time.
    with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
        wbits = zlib.MAX_WBITS | 16  # 16 requires gzip header/trailer
        decompressor = zlib.decompressobj(wbits)
        fbytes = f.read(16384)
        while fbytes:
            yield decompressor.decompress(decompressor.unconsumed_tail + fbytes)
            fbytes = f.read(16384)

def stream_text_lines(gen):
    Generator wrapper function, `gen` is a bytes generator.
    Yields one line of text at a time.
        buf = next(gen)
        while buf:
            lines = buf.splitlines(keepends=True)
            # yield all but the last line, because this may still be incomplete
            # and waiting for more data from gen
            for line in lines[:-1]:
                yield line.decode()
            # set buf to end of prior data, plus next from the generator.
            # do this in two separate calls in case gen is done iterating,
            # so the last output is not lost.
            buf = lines[-1]
            buf += next(gen)
    except StopIteration:
        # yield the final data
        if buf:
            yield buf.decode()

# Sample usage, using the stream_text_lines generator to stream
# one line of RDF text at a time
bytes_generator = (x for x in stream_unzipped_bytes('freebase-rdf-latest.gz'))
for line in stream_text_lines(bytes_generator):
    # do something with `line` of text
    print(line, end='')