Vaadin Valo 主题:移除聚焦元素周围的边框

Vaadin Valo theme: remove border around focused elements

我正在开发基于 Valo 的 Vaadin 主题。默认情况下,Valo 在焦点元素周围添加边框。在我的主题中禁用此行为的最简单/首选方法是什么?

首选方法是编辑 Valo 主题 Sass variables, its easy and detailed info can be found in this Vaadin wiki article。基本上,您可以创建继承自 vaadin Valo 主题的自定义主题,并仅覆盖您感兴趣的变量。因此,您可以仅覆盖字体颜色和大小的变量,并保持其他一切不变等。

To create your own variation of the Valo theme, start by creating a new custom theme for your project. See the Creating a theme using Sass tutorial to get that done.

Change your theme import and include from Reindeer to Valo:

@import "../valo/valo";
.my-theme {
  @include valo; 

To modify the theme outlook, define any of the global Sass variables before the import statement:

$v-background-color: #777;
@import "../valo/valo"; ...

您可能感兴趣的具体变量是(来自Book of Vaadin):

The color of the focus outline/border for focusable elements in the application. Computed by default. Can be any CSS color value.

The style of the focus outline for focusable elements in the application. The syntax is the same as for CSS box-shadow, e.g. $v-focus-style: 0 0 0 2px orange; You can also specify it to just a color value, in which case only the border color of the components is affected, and no other outline is drawn. E.g. $v-focus-style: orange;



$v-focus-style: none;
