
Need help proving loop invariant (simple bubble sort, partial correctness)


Input: Array A[1...n]
for i <- n,...,2 do
    for j <- 2,...,i do
        if A[j - 1] >= A[j] then
            swap the values of A[j-1] and A[j];


Loop-invariant: After each iteration i, the i - n + 1 greatest elements of A are in the position they would be were A sorted non-descendingly. In the case that array A contains more than one maximal value, let the greatest element be the one with the smallest index of all the possible maximal values.

Induction-basis (i = n): The inner loop iterates over every element of A. Eventually, j points to the greatest element. This value will be swapped until it reaches position i = n, which is the highest position in array A and hence the final position for the greatest element of A.

Induction-step: (i = m -> i = m - 1 for all m > 3): The inner loop iterates over every element of A. Eventually, j points to the greatest element of the ones not yet sorted. This value will be swapped until it reaches position i = m - 1, which is the highest position of the positions not-yet-sorted in array A and hence the final position for the greatest not-yet-sorted element of A.

After the algorithm was fully executed, the remaining element at position 1 is also in its final position because were it not, the element to its right side would not be in its final position, which is a contradiction. Q.E.D.

我倾向于用以下术语重写你的证明: Bubble sort A[1..n]: for i in n..2 for j in 2..i swap A[j - 1], A[j] if they are not already in order

循环不变量: 让 P(i) <=> 对所有 k s.t。我 < k <= n。 A[k] = max(A[1..k])

基本情况: 最初 i = n 并且不变量 P(n) 很容易满足。

归纳步骤: 假设不变量对某些 P(m + 1) 成立, 表明在内循环执行后,不变量对 P(m) 成立。