AngularJS 过滤搜索

AngularJS filter search

我已经尝试了从 angular 到无序列表之一的过滤逻辑。 但是,搜索过滤器在输入名称的 3 个字符后起作用,有时会给出错误的搜索结果。

 <input type='text' ng-model='searchString' placeholder="Search a name..." />

<ul class="nav">
     <li class="active" ng-repeat="item in artists.People | filter :searchString">
           <a href ng-click='setSelectedArtist(item)'>{{}}</a>



          "name":"Andrew Amernante",
          "Description":"Gluten­free cray cardigan vegan. Lumbersexual pork belly blog, fanny pack put a bird on it selvage",
             "Long walks on the beach",
             "Red things",
             "Danish food",
             "Dead Batteries"
          "name":"Frank Wang",
          "Description":"Before errors, mails were only pressures. This is not to discredit the idea that a magic is the prose of anelizabeth. This could be, or perhaps some posit the outmost coil to be less than dedal. Some assert that those treatments are nothing more than carp.",
             "Manchester United",
             "Long walks on the beach",
          "name":"Sissi Chen",
          "Description":"Aaah! Natural light! Get it off me! Get it off me! Oh, loneliness and cheeseburgers are a dangerous mix. D'oh. Here's to alcohol, the cause of all life's problems.",
             "the beach",
             "Blue things"
          "name":"Diego Garcia",
          "Description":"Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true! I prefer a vehicle that doesn't hurt Mother Earth. It's a go­cart, powered by my ownsense of self­satisfaction. You don't win friends with salad.",
             "Talking Spanish",
             "Spanish food",
             "Spanish things",
             "Not talking spanish",
          "name":"Fuad Rashid",
          "Description":"Gluten­free cray cardigan vegan. Lumbersexual pork belly blog, fanny pack put a bird on it selvage",
             "Long walks on the beach",
             "Red things",
             "Danish food",
             "Dead Batteries"

这是 plnkr 代码。

例如:开始输入 'si',您将得到两个结果,其中第一个 (frank wang) 不正确。

而且,这是我所指的参考 plnkr

您需要指定 属性 对象 属性,在本例中 name 用于 filter 过滤:

<input type='text' ng-model='searchString' placeholder="Search a name..." />

<ul class="nav">
  <li class="active" ng-repeat="item in artists.People | filter: { name: searchString }">
    <a href ng-click='setSelectedArtist(item)'>{{}}</a>

您还需要将 searchString 的初始值设置为空字符串,以便在没有输入文本时匹配所有人。

$scope.searchString = '';

这里是 Plunker 功能演示。



$scope.searchTextByName = function(artist){
    if($scope.searchText !== undefined){
        if($scope.searchText.toLowerCase()) > -1 ){
           return artist;

否则,它将匹配所有 JSON 单个人物对象的值与您的 searchText 键。