Vision API 话题度和评分始终如一

Vision API topicality and score always the same

当我查看 Google Vision API 的 label_annotions 时,"score" 和 "topicality" 字段值始终相同。这也是例如 here. According to this reference 话题性指的是 "the relevancy of the ICA (Image Content Annotation) label to the image" 而分数已替换 "confidence" 的情况。虽然现在我不太清楚 "score" 到底是什么意思。


正如您提到的,这些“score”和“topicality”字段始终显示相同的值。根据我的理解,这是 Vision API 功能的现有错误,需要在未来的版本中修复。我建议您查看 Vision this ticket that has been created to review this issue, as well as the Release Notes 文档 API 以跟踪添加到该服务的新功能。