PySide2 中 QScxmlStateMachine.connectToEvent 的奇怪行为

weird behaviour of QScxmlStateMachine.connectToEvent in PySide2

我正在尝试编写一个桌面应用程序,在后端使用 Python,在前端使用 QML,在创建状态机时使用 scxml。我正在使用 PySide2。我的目的是通过状态机描述应用程序的逻辑。基于状态,QML 中的 UI 应该做出相应的反应。此外,后端应根据进入状态等执行方法

我的项目由 3 个文件组成 带有后端逻辑,ui.qml 带有 UI,stateMachine.scxml 带有状态机。


from PySide2.QtScxml import QScxmlStateMachine
from PySide2.QtWidgets import QApplication
from PySide2.QtCore import QUrl, QObject, Slot
from PySide2.QtQml import QQmlApplicationEngine

class BackEnd(QObject):
    def __init__(self):

    def ev_slot(self):
        '''method called on event t1'''
        print('event t1')

    def st_slot(self, active):
        '''method called on entering and exiting state s2'''
        if active:
            print('s2 entered')
            print('s2 exited')

app = QApplication([])
qml_url = QUrl("ui.qml")

engine = QQmlApplicationEngine()

# loading state machine
my_state_machine = QScxmlStateMachine.fromFile('stateMachine.scxml')

backend = BackEnd()

# registering state machine in QML context
engine.rootContext().setContextProperty("stateMachine", my_state_machine)
# connecting event of state machine to method of backend
conn1 = my_state_machine.connectToEvent("t1", backend, "aev_slot()")
# connecting state of state machine to method of backend
conn2 = my_state_machine.connectToState("s2", backend, "ast_slot(bool)")




UI 非常简单:它仅包含 3 个向状态机(ui.qml 文件)提交事件的按钮:

import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Controls 2.2

ApplicationWindow {
    width: column.width
    height: column.height
    visible: true

    Column {
        id: column
        spacing: 10
        Button {
            id: button0
            text: qsTr("t1")
            onClicked: stateMachine.submitEvent('t1')

        Button {
            id: button1
            text: qsTr("t2")
            onClicked: stateMachine.submitEvent('t2')

        Button {
            id: button2
            text: qsTr("t3")
            onClicked: stateMachine.submitEvent('t3')


状态机 stateMachine.scxml 由 3 个状态组成:s1s2s3 和转换 t1t2t3:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<scxml xmlns="" version="1.0" binding="early" xmlns:qt="" name="stateMachine" initial="s1">
    <state id="s1">
        <transition type="external" event="t1" target="s2"/>
            <log label="entered" expr="s1"/>
    <state id="s2">
        <transition type="external" event="t2" target="s3"/>
            <log label="entered" expr="s2"/>
    <state id="s3">
        <transition type="external" event="t3" target="s1">
            <log label="entered" expr="s3"/>

这里的问题是一切正常。第 my_state_machine.connectToEvent("t1", backend, "aev_slot()") 行有一个错误:方法名称是 ev_slot(),而不是 aev_slot()。但是,如果我将其更改为专有名称,则会出现以下错误:

QObject::connect: No such slot BackEnd::v_slot()

不知何故,方法名称中的第一个字母被忽略了。难道我做错了什么?我对 Qt 和 PySide2 很陌生。这总体上是一个好方法吗?我正在使用 PySide2 5.11.1a1.dev1530708810518

您必须使用 SLOT() 将方法作为字符串传递(请记住 SLOT 不同于 Slot 装饰器)。

from PySide2 import QtCore, QtGui, QtQml, QtScxml

class BackEnd(QtCore.QObject):
    def ev_slot(self):
        '''method called on event t1'''
        print('event t1')

    def st_slot(self, active):
        '''method called on entering and exiting state s2'''
        if active:
            print('s2 entered')
            print('s2 exited')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    app = QtGui.QGuiApplication(sys.argv)
    qml_url = QtCore.QUrl.fromLocalFile("ui.qml")

    # loading state machine
    my_state_machine = QtScxml.QScxmlStateMachine.fromFile('stateMachine.scxml')

    backend = BackEnd()
    conn1 = my_state_machine.connectToEvent("t1", backend, QtCore.SLOT("ev_slot()"))
    conn2 = my_state_machine.connectToState("s2", backend, QtCore.SLOT("st_slot(bool)"))

    engine = QtQml.QQmlApplicationEngine()
    engine.rootContext().setContextProperty("stateMachine", my_state_machine)

    if not engine.rootObjects():


SLOT 仅在插槽名称前加上 1 前缀,SIGNAL 与 2 相同,因此如果您不想使用它,只需前缀 1:(..., backend, "1ev_slot()"), (我不建议这样做,因为它会降低代码的可读性)