
Compilation issue with instantiating function template


#include <iostream>

struct S {
  void f(const char* s) {
    std::cout << s << '\n';

template <typename... Args, void(S::*mem_fn)(Args...)>
void invoke(S* pd, Args... args) {

int main() {
  S s;
  void(*pfn)(S*, const char*) = invoke<const char*, &S::f>;
  pfn(&s, "hello");


main.cpp:16:33: error: address of overloaded function 'invoke' does not match required type 'void (S *, const char *)'
  void(*pfn)(S*, const char*) = invoke<const char*, &S::f>
main.cpp:10:6: note: candidate template ignored: invalid explicitly-specified argument for template parameter 'Args'
void invoke(S* pd, Args... args) {
1 error generated.

该消息似乎表明模板实例化 invoke<const char*, &S::f> 失败。有人可以给我一些关于为什么会这样的线索吗?我相信这与参数包有关。

您的代码格式错误。 mem_fn 根据 [temp.deduct.type] 处于非推导上下文中:

The non-deduced contexts are:
— ...
— A function parameter pack that does not occur at the end of the parameter-declaration-list.


A template parameter pack of a function template shall not be followed by another template parameter unless that template parameter can be deduced from the parameter-type-list of the function template or has a default argument (14.8.2). [ Example:

template<class T1 = int, class T2> class B; // error

// U can be neither deduced from the parameter-type-list nor specified
template<class... T, class... U> void f() { } // error
template<class... T, class U> void g() { } // error

—end example ]

此声明中的 mem_fn 参数:

template <typename... Args, void(S::*mem_fn)(Args...)>
void invoke(S* pd, Args... args) {


template <typename... Args>
void invoke(S* pd, void(S::*mem_fn)(Args...), Args... args);


template <typename... Args>
struct Invoke {
    template <void (S::*mem_fn)(Args...)>
    static void invoke(S* pd, Args... args);

void(*pfn)(S*, const char*) = Invoke<const char*>::invoke<&S::f>;

比 Barry 的解决方案稍微更通用的替代方案可以使用 decltype 来推导整个成员函数签名,包括它所属的 class:

template <typename Sig, Sig Fn>
struct invoke;

template <typename Ret, class Class, typename... Args, Ret(Class::*mem_fn)(Args...)>
struct invoke <Ret(Class::*)(Args...), mem_fn>
    static void exec (Class* pd, Args... args)


void(*pfn)(S*, const char*) = invoke<decltype(&S::f),&S::f>::exec;