
Run a method at a specified interval c#

我有一个按钮,按下该按钮可获取远程 PC 上各种 windows 服务的状态。我想每分钟自动刷新此按钮,以便始终显示服务的最新状态。

我尝试设置一个计时器,但我一直收到错误 "Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'btnRefreshServices' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on"


    private void btnRefreshServices_Click(
        object sender,
        EventArgs eventArgs)
        this.btnRefreshServices.Enabled = false;

        // Setting up progress bar in a separate thread to update the progress bar
        // This is necessary so that the dialog doesn't freeze while the progress bar is reporting its progress
        this.prgbServiceStatus.Minimum = 1;
        this.prgbServiceStatus.Maximum = 11;
        this.prgbServiceStatus.Step = 1;
        this.prgbServiceStatus.Value = 1;

        var _backgroundWorker = new BackgroundWorker();
        _backgroundWorker.ProgressChanged += ProgressChanged;
        _backgroundWorker.DoWork += DoWork;
        _backgroundWorker.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
        _backgroundWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += new  RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(RunWorkerCompleted);

    private void DoWork(
        object sender,
        DoWorkEventArgs doWorkEventArgs)
        // Get the current status of each Windows service and reflect the progress in the progress bar
        // NOTE: If you add a new service, divide the number of services by 100 and update each call to report progress





    Timer myTimer = new Timer();
    myTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(DisplayTimeEvent);
    myTimer.Interval = 1000; // 1000 ms is one second

    public static void DisplayTimeEvent(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
       // code here will run every second

使用 Emile Pels 代码我能够解决我的问题。

    public frmServicesManager()

        // The interval in milliseconds (1000 ms = 1 second)
        const double interval = 5000.0;

        // Create a new timer
        new System.Timers.Timer()
                Enabled = true,
                Interval = interval
            }.Elapsed += TimerCallback;

    private void TimerCallback(
        object sender, 
        ElapsedEventArgs elapsedEventArgs)
        // SignalTime is now of type DateTime and contains the value indicating when the timer's Elapsed event was raised
        var _signalTime = elapsedEventArgs.SignalTime;

        // Create a new Action
        var _setButtonClick = new Action<DateTime>(dateTime => this.btnRefreshServices.PerformClick());

        // Check if we can access the control from this thread
        if (this.btnRefreshServices.InvokeRequired)
            // We can't access the label from this thread,so we'll call invoke so it is executed from the thread the it was created on
            this.btnRefreshServices.Invoke(_setButtonClick, _signalTime);

使用 System.Windows.Forms.Timer,或从另一个线程设置按钮的 属性,如下所示:

myButton.Invoke(new Action<string>((text) => myButton.Text = text), "New button text");


您收到该错误的原因是您正在尝试访问在其他线程上创建的控件,但该线程不起作用。您将不得不调用控件的 Invoke() 方法;执行您在创建控件的线程上传递给它的委托。 您可以使用的委托之一是 Action,正如我稍后在 post.


对于以下示例,我使用了 System.Timers.Timer,并创建了一个新的 Winforms 项目并仅向其中添加了 Label。它的名字是 timeLabel.


//The interval in milliseconds (1000 ms = 1 second)
const double interval = 1000.0;

//Create a new timer
new System.Timers.Timer()
    Enabled = true, //Start it right away
    Interval = interval //Set the interval
}.Elapsed += TimerCallback; //Register a handler for the elapsed event

这将创建一个新的计时器并注册一个回调来处理其 Elapsed 事件,该事件定义如下:

private void TimerCallback(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
    const string baseString = "The event was raised at {0}";

    //signalTime is now of type DateTime and contains the value 
    //indicating when the timer's Elapsed event was raised
    var signalTime = e.SignalTime;

    //Create a new Action - delegate - which takes a string argument
    var setLabelText = new Action<DateTime>(dt =>
        //If the amount of seconds in the dt argument is an even number,
        //set the timeLabel's forecolor to red; else, make it green
        timeLabel.ForeColor = dt.Second % 2 == 0 ? Color.Red : Color.Green;

        //Format the baseString to display the time in dt
        timeLabel.Text = string.Format(baseString, dt.ToLongTimeString());

    //Check if we can access the control from this thread
    if (timeLabel.InvokeRequired) {
        //We can't access the label from this thread,
        //so we'll call invoke so it is executed from
        //the thread the it was created on
        timeLabel.Invoke(setLabelText, signalTime);
    else {
        //The label's text can be set from this thread,
        //we'll just call the delegate without Invoke()


我不清楚 BackgroundWorker 代码与您的问题有什么关系。好像跟跨线程问题没有关系,跟你定期刷新按钮也没有关系。

就问题的内容而言,您应该能够使用正确的 Timer class(.NET 中至少有三个),System.Windows.Forms.Timer.在这种情况下,您的代码将如下所示:

System.Windows.Forms.Timer myTimer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer();
myTimer.Tick += DisplayTimeEvent;
myTimer.Interval = 1000; // 1000 ms is one second

public static void DisplayTimeEvent(object source, EventArgs e)
   // code here will run every second

上面的代码应该在 Winforms 模块中,因此 System.Windows.Forms 命名空间应该已经在范围内,但我已经完全限定上面的 Timer class 名称只是为了清楚起见。

另请注意事件名称不同:Tick 而不是 Elapsed。并且事件处理程序签名略有不同。

使用此 Timer class 而不是您使用的 Tick 事件处理程序将在 UI 线程上调用,避免任何跨线程完全问题。