Visual Studio 2008 年停止处理 "find all"

Visual Studio 2008 stopped processing "find all"

突然,Visual Studio 2008 不执行 "find all" (Ctrl + Alt + F ) 正确的解决方案。前两天在办公室,现在在家里的电脑上。

我正在寻找一种方法,该方法明确在代码中声明,但 Visual Studio 2008 在“查找结果”中输出 window:

Find all "wlOutFile", Subfolders, Find Results 2, "Entire Solution", "*.*"
  No files were found to look in.
  Find was stopped in progress.


这是 Visual Studio 2008 中的一个已知问题,不幸的是(据我所知)它尚未解决。检查另一个 Stack Overflow 问题:Visual Studio "Find" results in "No files were found to look in. Find stopped progress."