如何在客户端使用 jaxws 访问网络服务响应 header?

How can I get access to the websevice response header using jaxws on the client side?

我正在开发一个应用程序,当我使用 jaxws wsimport 导入 wsdl web 服务时,这抽象了 Java 类 的复杂类型。但它抽象为 类 只是 body 响应,我需要在网络服务响应 header 中获取一些数据,如何使用 jaxws 访问网络服务响应 header在客户端?


    //Instance of Service   
    SessionCreateRQService sessionCreateService = new SessionCreateRQService();
    SessionCreatePortType requestSessionCreate = sessionCreateService.getSessionCreatePortType();

    //Get datas to request header 
    MessageHeader messageHeader = getMessageHeader(MESSAGE_ID, timestamp, URI_PartyId, Services.SessionCreateRQ ,Actions.SessionCreateRQ);
    Holder<MessageHeader> holderMessage = new Holder<MessageHeader>(messageHeader);

    //Get another datas to request header 
    Security security = getSecuritySessionCreateRQ();
    Holder<Security> holderSecurity = new Holder<>(security);

    //Get datas to quest body
    SessionCreateRQ body = new SessionCreateRQ();

    //Call the websevice and receiving the response.
    // ---->>>I need access the response webservice header here.<<-----
    SessionCreateRS sessionCreateRS = requestSessionCreate.sessionCreateRQ(holderMessage, holderSecurity, body);


