某些 Android 版本无法播放直播视频,找不到 HTML5 视频

Live Stream Video Not Playing On Some Android Versions, HTML5 Video Not Found

I am working on website which provides live streams.... I am using CDNSun services....I have used JwPlayer, Currently i am using FlowPlayer HTML5... I have setup my code through CDNSUN help section(How To).... The live streams and other video files are playing perfectly on Pcs, maximum number of browsers, iOS,Galaxy S4 etc But the problem is they are not playing on some android versions 3-4...


        <meta name="description" content="Euro Az Channel live at euroaz.tv">
        <link rel="stylesheet"href=
            #mediaplayer {
                width: 100%;
                height: 100%;

        <div id="mediaplayer"></div>

        <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery
        <script type="text/javascript" src="http://releases.flowplayer.org/5.5.2/
        <script type="text/javascript">
            $(document).ready(function () {
             'live': true,
             'rtmp': 'rtmp://837971203.r.cdnsun.net/837971203/_definst_',
            'playlist': [[
                              'flash': 'mystream'
          'mpegurl': 'http://abcdspaceonelr.com/837971203/_definst_/mystream/playlist.m3u8'
          'poster': 'cover_image.jpeg',
          'embed': false


"HTML5:Video Not Found" ,,, as video playing fine except some android phones....may be flash problem,, i don't know...

Live Stream Here 如果有人可以提供帮助,请感谢您的宝贵时间

当没有可用的 Flash 插件(Chrome on Android 4.4.4 时,您提供的 link 出现 HTML5:Video Not Found 错误!)。出于某种原因,它坚持使用 Flash 播放它,并且不会退回到可以本地播放的 HLS URL。

您可以对嵌入示例做的一件事是颠倒播放列表项的顺序并将 HLS URL 放在第一位。根据 example on the Flowplayer 文档,它们的顺序是:

 playlist: [
         // a list of type-url mappings in picking order
            { mpegurl: "http://example.com/video.m3u8" },
            { webm:    "http://example.com/video.webm" },
            { mp4:     "http://example.com/video.mp4" }

无论如何,您应该使用 HLS,因为它受到广泛支持(Android 4.x,根据版本的不同偶尔会出现问题)。对于旧设备,您可能需要 RTP/RTSP.