如何在滑动手势识别器函数中找到 UIButton 元素的父元素以构造对象?

How to find parent of a UIButton element in a swipe Gesture Recognizer function to construct an Object?

我创建了一个 'swipe to left' 函数,通过拖动按钮触发。我需要创建一个抽象 class,这样我就可以让它向左滑动触发 'swipe to function'.


现在链接到该元素的父级 UIView。我尝试使用 sender.superview 但它不起作用。

@IBAction func swipeRightIncome(_ sender: Any) {
    _ = UIViewPropertyAnimator(duration: 0.30, curve: .easeInOut){
        self.swipeLayer.transform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: 0, y: 0)

您需要将 sender 转换为 Any 类型,或者

@IBAction func swipeRightIncome(_ sender: UISwipeGestureRecognizer) {

  let parent = sender.view.superView!.superView!.superView!

  // do what you want 



@IBOutlet weak var profitDrag:ViewDesignShadow!