
Optimize Finding Words in Paragraph


List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (String word : wordList) {
    String regex = ".*\b" + Pattern.quote(word) + "\b.*"; 
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex);
    Matcher m = p.matcher(paragraph);
    if (m.find()) {
        System.out.println("Found: " + word);

例如,假设我的 wordList 具有以下值 "apple","hungry","pie"

我的 paragraph"I ate an apple, but I am still hungry, so I will eat pie"


我不太确定这是否是您所要求的,但是 Java 有一个针对字符串上此类事物的内置函数。

for (String word : wordList) {
    paragraph = paragraph.replaceAll(word,"");

一定要在你的单词中包含一个 space,这样它就不会留下两个 space。示例 "foo " 而不是 "foo"


String paragraph = "I ate an apple, but I am still hungry, so I will eat pie";
List<String> wordList = Arrays.asList("apple","hungry","pie");
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\b(?:" + String.join("|", wordList) + ")\b");
Matcher m = p.matcher(paragraph);
if (m.find()) {  // To find all matches, replace "if" with "while"
    System.out.println("Found " + m.group()); // => Found apple

参见Java demo

正则表达式看起来像 \b(?:word1|word2|wordN)\b 并且会匹配:

  • \b - 单词边界
  • (?:word1|word2|wordN) - 非捕获组
  • 内的任何替代方案
  • \b - 单词边界

既然你说单词中的字符只能是大写字母、数字和带斜杠的连字符,其中none需要转义,所以Pattern.quote这里不重要。此外,由于斜杠和连字符永远不会出现在字符串的 start/end 处,因此您不会遇到通常由 \b 字边界引起的问题。否则,将第一个 "\b" 替换为 "(?<!\w)",将最后一个替换为 "(?!\w)"