如何使用 FactoMineR 包以编程方式确定主成分的列索引?

How to programmatically determine the column indices of principal components using FactoMineR package?


digits = 0:9
# set seed for reproducibility
# function to create random string
createRandString <- function(n = 5000) {
  a <- do.call(paste0, replicate(5, sample(LETTERS, n, TRUE), FALSE))
  paste0(a, sprintf("%04d", sample(9999, n, TRUE)), sample(LETTERS, n, TRUE))

df <- data.frame(ID=c(1:10), name=sample(letters[1:10]),

我使用包 FactoMineR

df.princomp <- FactoMineR::FAMD(df, graph = FALSE)


此后,可视化我使用的主要组件 fviz_screeplot()fviz_contrib() 喜欢,

factoextra::fviz_screeplot(df.princomp, addlabels = TRUE,
                           barfill = "gray", barcolor = "black",
                           ylim = c(0, 50), xlab = "Principal Component", 
                           ylab = "Percentage of explained variance",
                           main = "Principal Component (PC) for mixed variables")

factoextra::fviz_contrib(df.princomp, choice = "var", 
                         axes = 1, top = 10, sort.val = c("desc"))

这给出了下面的图 1


Fig1的解释: Fig1是一个碎石图。 Scree Plot 是一个简单的线段图,显示数据中总方差的分数,如每个主成分 (PC) 所解释或表示的那样。所以我们可以看到前三台 PC 共同负责 43.8% 的总方差。现在问题自然就来了,"What are these variables?"。我已经在图 2 中展示了这一点。

图 2 的解释:该图可视化了主成分分析 (PCA) 结果中 rows/columns 的贡献。从这里我可以看到变量,namestudLocfinalMark 是最重要的变量,可用于进一步分析。

进一步分析-我卡在的地方:推导上述变量namestudLocfinalMark的贡献.我使用主成分变量 df.princomp(见上文),如 df.princomp$quanti.var$contrib[,4]df.princomp$quali.var$contrib[,2:3]

我必须手动指定列索引 [,2:3][,4]

我想要的:我想知道如何进行动态列索引分配,这样我就不必在列出 df.princomp

我已经查看了以下类似问题 1, , 3 and 4 但找不到我的解决方案?解决此问题的任何帮助或建议都会有所帮助。

有很多方法可以提取单个变量对 PC 的贡献。对于数字输入,可以 运行 一个带有 prcomp 的 PCA 并查看 $rotation(我很快就谈过了,忘了你在这里有因素,所以 prcomp 不起作用直接地)。由于您使用的是 factoextra::fviz_contrib,因此有必要检查该函数如何在幕后提取此信息。键入 factoextra::fviz_contrib 并读取函数:

> factoextra::fviz_contrib
function (X, choice = c("row", "col", "var", "ind", "quanti.var", 
    "quali.var", "group", "partial.axes"), axes = 1, fill = "steelblue", 
    color = "steelblue", sort.val = c("desc", "asc", "none"), 
    top = Inf, xtickslab.rt = 45, ggtheme = theme_minimal(), 
    sort.val <- match.arg(sort.val)
    choice = match.arg(choice)
    title <- .build_title(choice[1], "Contribution", axes)
    dd <- facto_summarize(X, element = choice, result = "contrib", 
        axes = axes)
    contrib <- dd$contrib
    names(contrib) <- rownames(dd)
    theo_contrib <- 100/length(contrib)
    if (length(axes) > 1) {
        eig <- get_eigenvalue(X)[axes, 1]
        theo_contrib <- sum(theo_contrib * eig)/sum(eig)
    df <- data.frame(name = factor(names(contrib), levels = names(contrib)), 
        contrib = contrib)
    if (choice == "quanti.var") {
        df$Groups <- .get_quanti_var_groups(X)
        if (missing(fill)) 
            fill <- "Groups"
        if (missing(color)) 
            color <- "Groups"
    p <- ggpubr::ggbarplot(df, x = "name", y = "contrib", fill = fill, 
        color = color, sort.val = sort.val, top = top, main = title, 
        xlab = FALSE, ylab = "Contributions (%)", xtickslab.rt = xtickslab.rt, 
        ggtheme = ggtheme, sort.by.groups = FALSE, ...) + geom_hline(yintercept = theo_contrib, 
        linetype = 2, color = "red")
<environment: namespace:factoextra>

所以它实际上只是从同一个包中调用 facto_summarize。以此类推,您可以做同样的事情,只需调用:

> dd <- factoextra::facto_summarize(df.princomp, element = "var", result = "contrib", axes = 1)
> dd
               name    contrib
ID               ID  0.9924561
finalmark finalmark 21.4149175
subj1mark subj1mark  7.1874438
subj2mark subj2mark 16.6831560
name           name 26.8610132
studLoc     studLoc 26.8610132

这就是你图2对应的table,PC2用axes = 2等等。

关于 "how to programmatically determine the column indices of the PCs",我不是 100% 确定我明白你想要什么,但如果你只想说 "finalmark" 列,抓住它对 PC3 的贡献,你可以执行以下操作:

# make a tidy table of all column names in the original df with their contributions to all PCs
contribution_df <- map_df(set_names(1:5), ~factoextra::facto_summarize(df.princomp, element = "var", result = "contrib", axes = .x), .id = "PC")

# get the contribution of column 'finalmark' by name
contribution_df %>%
  filter(name == "finalmark")

# get the contribution of column 'finalmark' to PC3
contribution_df %>%
  filter(name == "finalmark" & PC == 3)

# or, just the numeric value of contribution
filter(contribution_df, name == "finalmark" & PC == 3)$contrib

顺便说一句,我认为 ID 在您的示例中被视为数字而不是因子,但由于它只是一个示例,所以我不会为此烦恼。

不确定我对您问题的解释是否正确,如果不正确,请见谅。据我所知,您正在使用 PCA 作为初始工具来向您展示哪些变量在解释数据集时最重要。然后您想要返回原始数据,select 这些变量无需每次手动编码即可快速返回,并将它们用于其他分析。


digits = 0:9
# set seed for reproducibility
# function to create random string
createRandString <- function(n = 5000) {
  a <- do.call(paste0, replicate(5, sample(LETTERS, n, TRUE), FALSE))
  paste0(a, sprintf("%04d", sample(9999, n, TRUE)), sample(LETTERS, n, TRUE))

df <- data.frame(ID=c(1:10), name=sample(letters[1:10]),

df.princomp <- FactoMineR::FAMD(df, graph = FALSE)

factoextra::fviz_screeplot(df.princomp, addlabels = TRUE,
                           barfill = "gray", barcolor = "black",
                           ylim = c(0, 50), xlab = "Principal Component", 
                           ylab = "Percentage of explained variance",
                           main = "Principal Component (PC) for mixed variables")

#find the top contributing variables to the overall variation in the dataset
#here I am choosing the top 10 variables (although we only have 6 in our df).
#note you can specify which axes you want to look at with axes=, you can even do axes=c(1,2)

f<-factoextra::fviz_contrib(df.princomp, choice = "var", 
                         axes = c(1), top = 10, sort.val = c("desc"))

#save data from contribution plot

#filter out ID's that are higher than, say, 20


#extract these from your original data frame into a new data frame for further analysis



#finalmark name    studLoc
#1         53    b POTYQ0002N
#2         73    i LWMTW1195I
#3         95    d VTUGO1685F
#4         39    f YCGGS5755N
#5         97    c GOSWE3283C
#6         58    g APBQD6181U
#7         67    a VUJOG1460V
#8         64    h YXOGP1897F
#9         15    j NFUOB6042V
#10        81    e QYTHG0783G

根据你的评论,你说你想'Find variables with value greater than 5 in Dim.1 AND Dim.2 and save these variables to a new data frame',我会这样做:

#top contributors to both Dim 1 and 2

f<-factoextra::fviz_contrib(df.princomp, choice = "var", 
                         axes = c(1,2), top = 10, sort.val = c("desc"))

#save data from contribution plot

#filter out ID's that are higher than 5


#extract these from your original data frame into a new data frame for further analysis



(这将所有原始变量保留在我们的新数据框中,因为它们对总方差的贡献都超过 5%)