从 ESA Sentinel-2 产品加载 python 中的 RGB 图像并使用 openCV 保存
Load RGB image in python from ESA Sentinel-2 product and save with openCV
根据 ESA 快照,对于 RGB 图像,我们应该将波段 4 放入红色通道,将波段 3 放入绿色通道,将波段 2 放入蓝色通道。我们如何将 python 的波段读取到 numpy
数组中,以便我们可以进行任何我们想要的图像处理,然后将 RGB 图像保存在磁盘上?
from snappy import Product
from snappy import ProductIO
import numpy as np
import cv2
product = ProductIO.readProduct(path_to_product)
width = product.getSceneRasterWidth()
height = product.getSceneRasterHeight()
# Natural colors
red = product.getBand('B4')
green = product.getBand('B3')
blue = product.getBand('B2')
# org.esa.snap.core.datamodel.Band
如何从这些数据中获取 numpy 数组,然后将它们作为 jpg 图像保存到磁盘?
#Read in channel's pixels
red_pixels = np.zeros(width * height, np.float32)
red.readPixels(0, 0, width, height, red_pixels)
green_pixels = np.zeros(width * height, np.float32)
green.readPixels(0, 0, width, height, green_pixels)
blue_pixels = np.zeros(width * height, np.float32)
blue.readPixels(0, 0, width, height, blue_pixels)
#Reshape to image dimensions
red_pixels.shape = height, width
green_pixels.shape = height, width
blue_pixels.shape = height, width
#Combine into a RGB image
rgb[...,0] = red_pixels
rgb[...,1] = green_pixels
rgb[...,2] = blue_pixels
到目前为止,我们在具有浮点值的 numpy
数组中有一个 rgb 图像。为了以jpg格式写入磁盘,我们首先裁剪较大的值以使图像更亮,然后将图像转换为0-255整数值。
rgb2 = ((np.clip(rgb.copy(),0,1))*255).astype('uint8')
#Reverse Red-Blue Channels as open cv will reverse again upon writing image on disk
根据 ESA 快照,对于 RGB 图像,我们应该将波段 4 放入红色通道,将波段 3 放入绿色通道,将波段 2 放入蓝色通道。我们如何将 python 的波段读取到 numpy
数组中,以便我们可以进行任何我们想要的图像处理,然后将 RGB 图像保存在磁盘上?
from snappy import Product
from snappy import ProductIO
import numpy as np
import cv2
product = ProductIO.readProduct(path_to_product)
width = product.getSceneRasterWidth()
height = product.getSceneRasterHeight()
# Natural colors
red = product.getBand('B4')
green = product.getBand('B3')
blue = product.getBand('B2')
# org.esa.snap.core.datamodel.Band
如何从这些数据中获取 numpy 数组,然后将它们作为 jpg 图像保存到磁盘?
#Read in channel's pixels
red_pixels = np.zeros(width * height, np.float32)
red.readPixels(0, 0, width, height, red_pixels)
green_pixels = np.zeros(width * height, np.float32)
green.readPixels(0, 0, width, height, green_pixels)
blue_pixels = np.zeros(width * height, np.float32)
blue.readPixels(0, 0, width, height, blue_pixels)
#Reshape to image dimensions
red_pixels.shape = height, width
green_pixels.shape = height, width
blue_pixels.shape = height, width
#Combine into a RGB image
rgb[...,0] = red_pixels
rgb[...,1] = green_pixels
rgb[...,2] = blue_pixels
到目前为止,我们在具有浮点值的 numpy
数组中有一个 rgb 图像。为了以jpg格式写入磁盘,我们首先裁剪较大的值以使图像更亮,然后将图像转换为0-255整数值。
rgb2 = ((np.clip(rgb.copy(),0,1))*255).astype('uint8')
#Reverse Red-Blue Channels as open cv will reverse again upon writing image on disk